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时间:2022-04-10 10:06来源:毕业论文



Abstract:By analyzing the current situation of income and expenditure of the large number of consumer groups, this paper discusses the method of developing a personal financial management App based on Andriod in order to develop a personal financial management。 At first, this paper discusses the disadvantages brought about by the persification of consumer people entered the information age the necessity of the development of personal financial management app, and then develop the development target, carries on the demand analysis and feasibility analysis, the function of each part of the refinement, determine the development environment and runtime environment。 Then discusses the specific implementation process and testing process of personal finance App。 Finally, the entire development process is summarized, the analysis of the problems in the development process, for the completion of the App put forward problems, put forward the system optimization solutions and solutions。

Keywords: Consumption,financial management, Android development, system optimization


1 引言 5

1。1 个人理财App的来源及意义 5

1。2 个人理财App开发的目标 5

2 需求分析 5

2。1 需求分析 5

2。2 可行性分析 6

3 系统主要功能设计与实现 7

3。1 开发及运行环境 7

3。2 关键工具介绍 7

3。3 功能模块图 7

4 个人理财App的功能设计 8

4。1 E-R图 8

4。2 数据库的设计 9

5 系统功能实现 9

5。1 主界面功能实现 9

5。2 添加界面功能实现 12

5。3 明细界面功能实现 15

5。4 类别报表界面功能实现 18

5。5 账户界面功能实现 20

5。6 存在的问题及设想的解决方案 21

6。系统测试 22

6。1 测试方法 22

6。2 测试内容 22

6。3 测试结论 23

7。结论 25

8。参考文献 26

9。致谢 27

1 引言

1。1 个人理财App的来源及意义

近些年来,由于智能手机的普及,尤其是性价比较高的安卓手机深入到广大的社会用户手中,使得人们的消费方式更加的多元化。而一些手机消费软件的推出,如:淘宝、美团、支付宝,携程旅游等,更使人们可以随时随地进行消费。正是因为现如今人们无时无刻的消费思想,导致大家财产流失严重。论文网 Android的个人理财App设计+源代码:http://www.youerw.com/jisuanji/lunwen_92293.html
