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时间:2022-04-14 22:35来源:毕业论文

摘要双目测距系统广泛应用于军事、工业、生产制造等各个方面,对于非 接触式测量和危险场景感知等方面的应用有着重要的作用。本文深入研 究了双目测距系统的测距原理和具体的实现过程并将其移植到 Jetson-tk1 嵌入式终端平台,使其具有了体积小,可移植,易于携带等优点,利于 双目测距仪的工业化开发生产、机器人视觉系统的设计。79872

本文首先针对摄像机成像的特点,介绍了利用视差与相似性原理进行 双目测距的理论。接下来设计了双目测距系统的各个功能模块,并在之 后的章节详细的阐述了各个模块实现的原理与具体过程,在每个模块实 现的过程之后还有实现的效果图。最后将本系统移植到 Jetson-tk1 嵌入式 终端平台上,使系统的使用更加方便,并加快了系统运算的速度。最终 系统经验证可以完成双目测距的功能,且误差较小,可以满足测量精度的本文所研究的双目测距系统具有速度快、精度高、抗干扰能力强等特 点,适用于对成本、测量环境和测量精度有较高要求的场合。

毕业论文关键词:双目测距;OpenCV;sift 算法;视差;相似原理

Abstract Binocular ranging system is widely used in military, industrial, manufacturing, and other aspects。 This can not be replaced by the application of non contact measurement and the perception of danger scene。 In this paper, the measurement principle and the realization process of binocular ranging system are studied。 And porting it to the Jetson-tk1 embedded terminal platform, make it has the advantages of small size, portability, easy to carry, and so on, in favor of the industrial development and production of binocular distance measuring instrument and design of robot vision system。

Firstly, this paper introduces the theory of binocular distance measurement based on the principle of disparity and similarity。 Then design of binocular ranging system each function module, and in the following chapter detailed describes the each module of the realization of the principle and specific process, after each module realization process and the realization of renderings。 Finally, the system is transplanted to the Jetson-tk1 embedded terminal platform, so that the use of the system more convenient, and to speed up the speed of the operation of the system。 The final system is verified to be able to complete the function of binocular distance measurement, and the error is small, which can satisfy the measurement accuracy。

The binocular distance measurement system studied in this paper has  the characteristics of high speed, high precision, strong anti-interference ability and so on。 Applicable to the cost, measuring environment and measuring accuracy of the higher requirements of the occasion。

Keywords: Binocular ranging; OpenCV; sift algorithm; parallax; Similarity principle

第一章 绪论 1

1。1  课题研究背景与意义 1

1。2  国内外研究现状 2

第二章 需求分析与总体设计 3

2。1  课题目标 3

2。2  功能描述 3

2。3  系统总体设计 3

2。4  论文内容安排 6

第三章 系统的详细设计与实现 7

3。1  图像获取与图像预处理 7

3。1。1 环境搭建 7

3。1。2 图像获取模块 OpenCV基于Jetson-tk1嵌入式终端的双目测距后端系统设计:http://www.youerw.com/jisuanji/lunwen_92590.html
