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时间:2022-05-12 22:13来源:毕业论文

摘  要:随着时代的进步,全国各地院校开始陆续进行教学改革,越来越多的院校开始推行选课制度。随着学校规模的扩大,学生人数逐年增长,专业越来越多。同时,为了推广多元化的教学模式,丰富学生学习的多样性,学校开设的选修课程逐渐增多。不管是学生人数还是选课信息都是成倍增加,以往的人工操作已经逐渐满足不了学生选课的需求。推广现代化的综合教务管理系统网络选课已经是当务之急。为了提高高校教学管理工作的效率,开发基于库联网的学生选课系统已经迫在眉睫。80681



关键词: Java;数据库;学生选课系统;MySQL;Eclipse

The Design and Implementation of Student’s Course Selection System

Abstract: With the progress of era, colleges and universities throughout the country to begin teaching reform, in a growing number of colleges and universities began to implement elective system。 With the expansion of the school, the number of students increased year by year, more and more professional。 At the same time, in order to promote persification of teaching mode, enrich the persity of students learning, school elective courses。 Whether the number of students or course information is multiplied, the previous manual operation has gradually to meet the needs of students' course selection。 To promote modern comprehensive educational administration system, the network course is the top priority。 In order to improve the efficiency of teaching management in colleges and universities, the development of students' course selection system based on library networking is imminent。

This thesis mainly introduces the student elective system adopted by the language, working principle and realization method of the process of the system in detail, goal and function of human nature are analyzed and designed, and on the basis of the above to realize the complete Internet student elective system。 Online course selection system can realize the real-time monitoring and management system, makes the timeliness of information, have made a lot of security, efficiency and safety of this system USES Java language, suitable for most of the operating system, to ensure the suitability of the system。 At the same time, this article also in this paper, the principle of the system, function, characteristic, has carried on the detailed introduction。

The advantage of this system in the operation is simple, powerful, strong applicability, and the object-oriented idea make the interface more humane。

Keywords: Java;database;Student course selection system;MySQL;Eclipse 

目  录

第1章  绪论 1

1。1 选题背景及意义 1

1。2 学生选课系统的发展和研究现状 1

1。3 各章节内容简介 2

第2章  Java语言以及开发工具 3

2。1 Java背景知识介绍 3

2。1。1 Java的起源 jsp+mysql学生选课系统的设计与实现:http://www.youerw.com/jisuanji/lunwen_93751.html
