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时间:2022-05-21 19:52来源:毕业论文

摘要教学资源库系统中教师平台的设计与开发主要目的是建设一个面向多用户的教 学资源整合功能运行环境,其主要包括以下几个方面的设计和功能实现:提供教师操 作界面、实现教师的登录功能、资源上传与制作、试卷的出卷和批阅、教师与学生的 互动平台的搭建、作业的布置和批阅、期末总评的制定、教学资源库建设。教学资源 库主要包括两类:一是基于课程理论和实践环节的教学资源库,包括各专业课程的学 习和测试资源。 二是基于创新创业教育的教学资源库,主要包括学院各种项目资料 的共享和学习、国外和企业的实际项目资料以及教师自制的各类项目资料和学习内 容。80848

主要使用 html 和 jQuery 完成前台界面的设计和美化,使用 JSP 和 java 实现后 台对于数据传递的代码编写,使用 mysql 数据库完成对于数据的存储和记录。在编译 过程中,使用 tomcat 完成服务器的操作


Abstract Teaching resource library system in the teaching platform design and development of the main objective is building a for multi-user teaching resources integration of functions operating environment, which mainly includes following several aspects of design and function realization: provide teachers operation interface, to achieve the login function of teachers, resource upload and making, paper volumes and marking, to build an interactive platform for teachers and students, assignments and grading, the formulation of the final score, teaching resources storehouse construction。 Library of teaching resources mainly includes two kinds: one is based on the aspects of theory and practice of curriculum teaching resources of the library, including all kinds  of professional  courses for learning and testing resources。 The second is based on innovation and Entrepreneurship Education teaching resources database, mainly includes the college all kinds of project information sharing and learning, the actual project information of foreign and enterprise as well as the teacher made all kinds of project information and learning content。

Mainly use HTML and jQuery complete front interface design and landscaping, the background for the data transfer code written using JSP and Java, using MySQL database for data storage and recording。 In the compilation process, using Tomcat server operation is completed

Keywords: JSP;mysql;severlet;jQuery;tomcat

第一章 绪论 1

1。1 背景与现状 1

1。2 系统的意义与目标 1

1。2。1 系统的意义 1

1。2。2 系统的目标 2

1。3 系统的组织安排 2

1。4 本文的组织结构 3

1。5 本章小结 3

第二章 开发平台介绍 4

2。1 开发语言 4

2。2 开发工具 4

2。2。1Myeclipse2014 4

2。2。2Adobe Dreamweaver 8 5

2。2。3MySQL+Navicat 5

2。2。4tomcat 5 jsp+mysql教学资源库系统中教师平台的设计与开发:http://www.youerw.com/jisuanji/lunwen_94105.html
