摘要: 本篇论文讨论的是天华学院信息收集系统的设计与开发,对于国内学院的校园信息收集系统有所空缺的问题,分别从用户需求角度、执行的可行性角度考虑并且分析了该系统的意义以及它在Web环境下开发的可行性。该系统基于浏览器/服务器模式的结构设计,依赖于Web服务存在,在技术上,前台使用HTML语言呈现内容,借助JavaScript完成程序判断并且通过CSS设定页面的格式与外观,在后台,使用MySQL作为数据库,采用PHP处理服务端事务,通过Apache服务器提供网页浏览服务;在开发的过程中,我遇到许多困难,如验证码不能正常工作,用户权限区分问题等等,最终通过努力,本系统解决了注册、登录功能的实现问题,解决了分板块查看留言、回复、发表留言的问题,解决了游客、用户、管理员、超级管理员的权限区分问题,并且提供了用户管理个人资料的功能,完成了各项基本功能,最终得出该系统在Web Service上可以进行开发和实施的结论。80990
毕业论文关键词: 校园信息收集;Web Service;PHP;学院;
The design and development of the information gathering system of Tianhua Institute
Abstract: The college information collection system’s design and development are discussed in this paper, because of the domestic college campus information collection system is vacant, this paper analyzes the meaning of the system and the feasibility of its development in the Web environment。 The system structure design based on browser/server mode, dependency on Web services, technically, The foreground uses the HTML language, and uses JavaScript to complete the judgment and sets the page format via CSS, in the background, using MySQL as a database, using PHP as a server-side language, provides Web services by the Apache server; In the process of development, I encountered many difficulties, such as authentication code does not work, the problem of how to distinguish user permissions and so on, finally through the efforts, Finally through the efforts, this system realize the function of register, login, implements the points plate check and reply, published messages, and implements the visitors, users, administrators, super administrator permissions, and provides the user personal information management function, completed all the basic functions, at last, I came to the conclusion that the system can be implemented on the Web Service。
Keywords: Campus information collection; Web Service; PHP; college;
摘要 i
Abstract i
目录 iii
1 绪论 1
1。1 本课题的目的和意义、国内外研究现状、水平和发展趋势 1
1。1。1 课题的目的和意义 1
1。1。2 国内外研究现状与水平 1
1。1。3 发展趋势 2
1。2 调研情况 2
1。2。1 需求调查 2
1。2。2 实现技术调研 3
2 分析 4
2。1 php+mysql天华学院校园信息收集系统的设计:http://www.youerw.com/jisuanji/lunwen_94338.html