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时间:2022-06-15 23:01来源:毕业论文

摘要随着科学技术的发展,互联网的普及,使用计算机进行日常办公已经成为一种趋 势。然而在许多高校里,依然存在着学校管理人员手工记载学生宿舍信息的管理模式。 高校的学生数量庞大,这种低效率的管理模式不仅耗时耗力,还可能会造成管理上的 一些失误。而使用计算机管理学生宿舍,则可以大大提高管理的效率,减轻学校管理 人员的工作压力,提高在校学生的生活质量,减少学校在宿舍管理方面的成本投入。81602

系统以 Java EE 为开发平台,以 SQL Server 为数据库。系统采用了 SSH 框架, 即 struts+spring+hibernate 框架,并且以 Tomcat 作为 Web 应用服务器,基于 B/S 结构(浏览器/服务器模式)进行开发。 系统以实现学生宿舍管理为目的,其主要的功能分为两个模块,即普通学生模块

和学校管理人员模块。普通学生模块的主要功能是进行宿舍物品报修申请以及宿舍卫 生排名查询。而管理人员模块则负责管理学生、宿舍以及外来访客的基本信息。 毕业论文关键字:Java;JSP; SQL Server;SSH;Tomcat

Abstract In today's society, the rapid development of science and technology, the  once expensive computer has become cheap, has entered every household, much less walk in the frontier of the development of science and technology, major colleges and universities。 However, in many colleges and universities, there is still the old management mode of school management staff to record the information of students' dormitory。 The number of students in Colleges and universities is huge, the inefficient management mode is not only time consuming, but also inevitably causes some mistakes in management。 While the use of computers and the Internet to the student's dormitory management, greatly improve the management efficiency, reduce working pressure of the school management, improve the quality of life of college students, reduce the school dormitory management cost。 Therefore, the project is the development of student dormitory management information system。

This system is a Java EE as the development platform, SQL Server as a back-end database server can be used across the platform system。 The system uses the SSH framework, that is, the struts+spring+hibernate framework, and Tomcat as the Web application server, and based on the B/S structure (Browser/Server model) to develop。

This system mainly realizes the purpose of convenient management of student dormitory, its main function is pided into two modules, namely the common student module and the school management personnel module。 Ordinary student module main function is for dormitory repair items application and to rank the dormitory and dormitory electricity use query。 The management module is responsible for the management of students, the basic information of the dormitory and the information management of foreign visitors。

Keywords: Java,JSP,SQL Server,SSH,Tomcat

摘要 I

第一章 绪论 1

1。1  开发背景 1

1。2  研究意义 1

1。3  开发流程 1

1。4  系统优点 2

1。4。1  方便对外来人员进行审查 2

1。4。2  方便跟踪故障解决情况 2

1。4。3  贵重物品管理清晰 2

1。4。4  学生宿舍信息变更方便快捷 2

1。4。5  减少工作人员的投入 jsp+sqlserver学生宿舍管理信息系统设计:http://www.youerw.com/jisuanji/lunwen_95451.html
