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时间:2022-07-10 09:49来源:毕业论文

摘要: 随着互联网技术的飞速发展,人们交易商品的模式发生了重大变化。基于网上交易的模式越来越深入人心。人们通过Internet或利用各种电子工具,高效率、低成本地从事以商品交换为中心的各种商业贸易活动。本文主要研究关于买卖书籍的电子商务系统:网上书店。82084

本系统以Windows7为操作系统,以SQL Server 2005 为数据库,在Visual Studio2005的开发环境下设计开发了浏览查询模块、登录注册模块、购物篮管理模块、购买模块、图书信息管理模块、图书销量统计模块等六大模块,并设计了相对应的网络数据库,对系统的各模块进行了验证和调试。应用本系统,可以为书店与消费者之间架起一座高速、便捷的网上信息桥梁,为人们打造一个界面简约、操作灵活的服务型的网上书店。系统最大的特色就是简约、灵活、实用,以突出“选购”的交易模式为设计主题,重点强调“选”与“购”在网上交易的模式的改进。

毕业论文关键词: 网上书店;数据库;ASP;Internet;电子商务

Design of electronic commerce online Libao company based on ASP。net

Abstract: With the rapid development of Internet technology, the pattern of people's trading goods has changed greatly。 Gradually, the model based on online trading is gaining popularity。People use various electronic tools and networks to efficiently and economically engage in various commercial and trade activities centered on commodity exchange。 Therefore, this paper emphasizes the e-commerce system for buying and selling books: online bookstore。 

    This system is based on Windows7 operating system, using SQL Server 2005 database, in the Visual Studio2005 development environment design and development of the browse and query module, landing module, shopping cart management module, purchase module, library information management module, book sales statistics module six modules, and designed the corresponding network database and each module of the system is validated and debugging。 To sum up, we can use this system to set up a high-speed and convenient online information bridge between bookstores and consumers, and create a simple and flexible service online bookstore for people。 Furthermore, the biggest feature of the system is simplicity, flexibility and practicality。 It emphasizes the "buy and choose" transaction model as the design theme, with emphasis on the improvement of the mode of "online shopping" and "shopping"。 

Keywords: Online bookshop; Database; ASP; Internet; E-commerce


摘要 i

Abstract i

目录 iii

1 绪论 1

1。1 开发背景 1

1。2 课题目的和意义 1

1。3 国内外研究现状 2

1。4 发展趋势 3

1。5 电子商务概念、特性及内容 3

1。6 可行性分析 4

1。6。1 经济可行性 4

1。6。2 社会可行性 4

1。6。3 技术可行性 4

1。7 全文概述 4

2 分析 6

2。1 用户行为分析 6

2。2 系统目标 ASP.net在线丽宝公司电子商务系统设计+ER图:http://www.youerw.com/jisuanji/lunwen_96193.html
