摘要殡葬是社会活动的一个重要组成部分,与人民群众生老病死密切相关;殡葬 是传承生命文化的载体,对社会文明进步产生着不可忽视的影响。
厚养也应美葬,殡葬无小事。殡葬服务是社会精神文明的一个窗口,关系人 民群众切身利益,关系到社会的稳定和和谐,关系到社会zhuyi精神文明、物质文 明和政治文明建设,关系到人口、环境、资源、经济和社会的可持续发展。82248
国家对殡葬业高度重视。经过多年努力和实践,我国殡葬改革不断深入,殡 葬事业取得了长足进步,服务水平和内涵不断提高。但是,殡葬事业总体水平与 当今可用信息化技术不相适应的矛盾日益突出,在殡葬资源配置、殡葬服务质量、 殡葬管理体制和运行机制等方面基本上是人工管理和控制,不能完全满足人民群 众日益提高的丧葬需求。所以研发“殡葬智能化控制和管理平台”具有重要的社 会意义和应用推广价值。
该系统是基于 B/S 架构,以 MyEclipse 为开发平台,用 TomCat 7。0 为运行 环境,采用 struts2 框架结构,前台页面采用 javascript 和 CSS 技术结合的方式实 现,整个系统采用 java 开发语言,数据库采用 MySql,前台后台的数据交互方 式采用了 Ajax 技术和 Json 技术,以便于实时交互性的实现,该系统功能强大, 健壮性好,可扩展性强,更加有利于殡葬事业科学高效性发展。
毕业论文关键词:殡葬,智能门禁控制系统,B/S 架构,struts 2 框架,Ajax 技术和 Json技术。
Abstract Funeral and interment are important parts of social activities, and they are related to people’s life。They inherit culture of people’s life, and they have negligible effect to the progress of social culture。
We should not only raise our relatives responsibly but also bury them solemnly,
Funeral and interment are not simple things。 The service for funeral and interment is a window of the social culture, it is relative to people’s vital interests, the construction of socialist spiritual civilization, the construction of socialist material civilization, the construction of socialist political civilization and the sustainable development of every parts of our social。
Our country pays much attention to the area of funeral and interment。 After many years of hard work and Practice, the reform on our country’s funeral and interment is becoming deeper and deeper, we have made a great progress on the service of funeral
and interment, Service level and connotation of continuous improve a lot。However,
the level of Funeral and interment is not satisfied with information technology today, There are many people working in the aspects of funeral resource allocation, service quality, management system and operation mechanism of the funeral and the funeral
service,this situation can not satisfied with people’s growing need for the service of
the funeral and interment。 So, it is valuable and meaningful to develop this software system。
This system is based on B/S architecture , using MyEclipse as it’s platform,
using TomCat 7。0 to establish it’s option environment , based on the Struts2 framework,it uses javascript and CSS for it’s front page,the language of this system
is Java,it’s database software is MySql,we use Ajax and Json for the data exchange between the foreground and the background of this system in order to realize the real time interaction , The system has powerful functions, good robustness, strong expansibility, and is more conducive to the development of science and efficiency of
the funeral business。
Keywords: Funeral, Intelligent access control system, B/S structure, struts2 framework, Ajax technology and Json Technology。 java+mysql殡葬智能化控制和管理系统设计:http://www.youerw.com/jisuanji/lunwen_96439.html