Machine vision unit design of mobile robot system
Robot vision systems to make the robot visual perception function, is one of the important part of robot system. Vision is a new technology developed in recent decades. Machine vision can be used instead of human vision in detection, target tracking, robot navigation and other aspects of the work, especially those in needs to repeat, quickly from the image to obtain accurate information.
Research on mobile robot in recent years attention, the autonomous mobile robot is one of the most studied. Machine vision is a science that studies how to make the computer intelligent perception of image data. Object recognitions a basic research in the field of machine vision, plays a vital role in the realization of the target image understanding.
This paper deeply for mobile robot vision technology, main contents of robot vision unit scheme, mobile robot vision unit mechanical parts design, video signal processing program, and camera calibration.
Keywords: calibration of vision unit, visual unit mechanical structure, image processing, camera calibration.
摘要 2
Abstract 3
第一章 绪论 6
1.1机器视觉概述 6
1.2研究的目的及意义 7
1.3 机器视觉设计国内外的研究现状 7
1.4 论文的主要研究内容 9
第二章 机器人视觉单元方案 10
2.1机器视觉单元构成 10
2.1.1机械部件 10
2.1.2视频采样部件 13
2.1.3视频信号处理器 14
2.1.4视频信号处理程序 15
2.2机器视觉单元工作原理 20
2.3机器视觉单元主要部件选型 21
2.4本章小结 23
第三章 移动机器人视觉单元机械部件设计 24
3.1移动机器人基本系统组成 24
3.2移动机器人视觉单元机械结构设计 24
3.2.1移动机器人云台结构设计 24
3.2.2移动机器人云台安装结构设计 25
3.2.3 机器视觉机械结构3D建模及仿真 25
3.3本章小结 25
第四章 视频信号处理设计 26
4.1信号处理程序设计方案 26
4.1.1 视频信号采样程序 26
4.1.2 视频信号转成图像文件程序 27
4.1.3 图像预处理 27
4.1.4 移动机器人环境图像预处理 28
4.1.5 信号处理实验 28
4.2本章小结 31
第五章 摄像机标定 31 移动机器人系统机器视觉单元设计+CAD图纸:http://www.youerw.com/jixie/lunwen_14385.html