Design of Drafting Car for Detecting the Bottom of Bridge
Abstract:The bottom of the bridge should be regularly detected. For the time being , There existing some risks on the inspector. Furthermore the device is also too heavy. The design planned to develop a set of controlled automatically detecting equipment. The inspector can complete the detailed detection of a certain position at the bottom of bridge beam section according to signal on the operating platform. The trolley machine adopts the screw rod and the mechanical arm structure. To ensure its weight’s under 50kg and cooperating with drafting detection system, we should check internal cracks at the bottom of bridge. We need to calculate the structure gravity to prevent overturning and turnover under the highest gravity working condition so as to ensure it can normally work. Choosing material and shape for the mechanical arm, calculating the weight of balance weight casting, make its gravity close to the rotary centers possibility. Check its intensity and calculate deformation size .Choosing stepper and servo motors, turbo-Worm reducer for it.
Key Words:Manipulator;Screw design;structure design;Bridge detection
1 绪论 1
1.1桥梁底部探测的背景和意义 1
1.1.2桥梁底部探测的意义 1
1.2国内外桥梁底部探测的进展 1
1.2.1国外研究现状 1
1.2.2国内研究现状 1
1.3本课题主要任务 1
2 设计方案的提出、对比、选择和确定 1
2.1设计方案的提出 1
2.1.1方案一 1
2.1.2方案二 1
2.1.3方案三 1
2.2设计方案的分析 1
2.2.1方案一的分析 1
2.2.2方案二的分析 1
2.2.3 方案三的分析 1
2.3设计方案的选择与原因 1
2.3.1 方案的选择 1
2.3.2 方案的选择原因 1
3机械臂的设计 1
3.1尺寸设计 1
3.2重量计算 1
3.2.1计算没有平衡的力矩 1
3.3计算机械臂重心与支点的距离 1
3.4机械臂结构 1
3.5强度校核 1
3.5.1机械臂危险情况的确定 1
3.5.2惯性矩的计算 1
3.5.3抗弯截面系数的计算 1
3.5.4支座反力矩的计算 1
3.5.5弯矩作用下的应力的计算 1
3.5.6弯曲强度的计算 1
3.5.7挠度计算 1 拖曳式桥梁底部探测小车设计+CAD图纸:http://www.youerw.com/jixie/lunwen_15082.html