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时间:2024-04-27 22:24来源:95233







Abstract:The shock resistance safety performance of ship pipeline is an important part of ship's survivability and combat effectiveness. According to the diameter pipe, elbow pipe, three-way pipe and flange valve pipe of the four different typical ship pipes, time domain simulation method is established based on the finite element analysis technology. The change of shock resistance of ship pipeline under different boundary and constraint conditions is analyzed and the weak area of pipeline and the influence factors of shock resistance are summarized. The impact resistance of  ship  pipeline  is  verified  by  experiments  and  the  theoretical algorithm .The main work of this paper is as followed:

(1)The  method  of shock  resistance  analysis  of typical  ship  pipelines  is summarized,

which is pided into real ship underwater explosion test and numerical simulation  test method. Numerical simulation is becoming more and more important with the continuous development of theoretical research and computer technology. Numerical simulation is pided into frequency domain shock spectrum analysis method and time-domain analysis method for describing shock in time domain.

(2)In this paper, a simplified method of triangle waveform based on German BV043/85

standard is adopted to represent the time history of ship pipeline. Through time domain analysis, the dynamic characteristics of typical pipelines are obtained, their structural strength is checked and their weak areas are summarized.

(3)The  shock resistance of typical pipelines under different connection modes,  support

elastic stiffness and distance between supports and fittings is analyzed. The impact factors of impact resistance are summarized.

(4)The regularity of the impact resistance of typical pipelines is verified by experiments and theoretical algorithms. The validity of the numerical simulation of equivalent constraint conditions and the effectiveness of the simulation results are proved.

Keywords: Ship piping ; Shock resistance ; Time domain simulation

第一章绪论 1

1.1本课题研究背景和意义 1

1.2船舶管路抗冲击国内外研究现状 船舶管路抗冲击研究设计:http://www.youerw.com/jixie/lunwen_203569.html
