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时间:2024-05-06 22:51来源:95303




Abstract:As a new kind of device of energy conversion, solid oxide fuel cell has the advantages of high efficiency, clean fuel, flexible, simple structure and other advantages, is considered to be one of the the most promising new technology of energy in twenty-first Century . Studying on plate SOFC started early, the technology is mature relatively, but it is difficult to seal, the poor performance under thermal cycling, furthermore, it is hard to guarantee the reliability and stability of defects under the long-term working. Sealing of the tube type SOFC is relatively simple and easy to assemble along with stable structure . Compared with the tube type SOFC, the ohmic resistance of the flat tube type SOFC is smaller,as well as the current path and the stack volume, at the same time as the supporting rib, which makes the structure more stable, so the flat tube type SOFC has great research value. The research point of the traditional experimental methods are relatively single and the operation is complex. In this paper, COMSOL MULTIPHYSICS is used to model and analysis.

Firstly, this paper introduces the current energy situation、 the characteristics of SOFC、 classification、component material of selection、research background、development status, and analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of various types. emphatically introduces the flat tube type SOFC and puts forward direction and source of the research .Then, introduces the theoretical basis of SOFC、the control equation、and introduces the transportation model of each part of the battery. Then, the boundary conditions of the model are set up, and the establishment of the model and the pision of the mesh are described. The performances of the two are compared and analyzed by establishing the SOFC model of both anode support and cathode support type. Finally, a summary of this paper is made.

Keywords: solid oxide fuel cell; flat tube; concentration distribution; potential distribution

第一章绪论 1

1.1引言 1

1.2燃料电池(SOFC) 1

1.2.1SOFC反应原理 3

1.2.2SOFC常见构型 4

1.2.3SOFC部件的材料选择 6

1.2.4SOFC的支撑结构 8

1.2.5扁管式SOFC 电极支撑类型对扁管式SOFC性能影响的分析:http://www.youerw.com/jixie/lunwen_203686.html
