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时间:2024-05-09 22:03来源:95333

摘 要:随着双燃料柴油机的不断发展,针对适配于此类柴油机的供气系统也正在蓬勃发展。但是就目前市场上的情况以及国内外发展情况而言,目前多为低压供气系统。且国外发展情况明显优于国内发展现状。供气系统作为双燃料柴油机能够足以充分实现其功能的重要组成部分,其所需求的发展更显得重要。由此也推动了阀组单元结构的持续性更新与更为优化的研究


关键字: 双燃料 供气系统  阀组单元  天然气

Abstract:With the continuous development of dual-fuel diesel engine, for the adaptation of such diesel system is also booming gas supply system. But the current situation on the market and domestic and international development, the current mostly for the low-pressure gas supply system. And foreign development is significantly better than the domestic development status quo. The supply system as a dual fuel diesel engine can be sufficient to fully realize its function as an important component, the development of its needs is even more important. Which also contributed to the continuous updating of the valve unit unit structure and more optimized research.

This paper mainly aims at the design of the valve unit module in the gas supply system of the high-power marine diesel engine diesel engine. The purpose is to realize the module, including the opening and closing of the main engine, the intake air pressure, the gas safety discharge and the inert gas pipeline Purging and other functions. In this paper, the relevant parameters of the valve module unit are determined by the design calculation of the system pressure, and then the work flow of the unit module and the control operation sequence are described systematically from the function of the valve unit. At the same time, aiming at the running process of the system, this paper designs the PLC control program which matches the system principle of the design as used to control the normal operation of the valve group unit. At the end of this paper, three-dimensional modeling and simulation of the main part of the valve unit module is carried out, which is used to rationally plan the layout of the valve unit structure in the actual production.

Keywords:Double fuel  Gas supply system  Valve unit  natural gas

目  录

第一章 绪论 1

1.1 选题的背景和意义 1

1.2 国内外双燃料供气系统的发展和现状 2

1.3 大型船用柴油机供气系统组成概述 4

1.3.1 存储模块 4

1.3.2 输送模块 4

1.3.3 增调压模块 4

1.3.4 加热气化模块 5

1.3.5 阀组单元 5

1.3.6 惰性气体吹扫模块 6

1.3.7 通风系统 大功率船用柴油机天燃气供气系统设计+CAD图纸:http://www.youerw.com/jixie/lunwen_203732.html
