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时间:2024-05-14 21:38来源:95382




ABSTRACT:Harmonic gear drives have a number of advantages over conventional gear drives. This paper describes its structural characteristics and working principle, as well as some stress calculation and verification formula. The flexible wheel is the core part of the harmonic gear drive. The structural parameters of the flexible wheel have an important  influence  on the stress distribution of the flexible wheel itself. If you can design the structure of the flexible wheel, will extend the life of the flexible wheel and meshing performance. In this paper, the finite element method is used to analyze the structural parameters of the flexible wheel, and how to improve the anti - deformation ability of the flexible wheel and improve the fatigue strength of the flexible wheel.

In this paper, we will make suggestions on the modification of the  structural parameters of the flexible wheel. The model is LHSG - 20 - 50 - C - III cup - shaped flexible wheel, and there is no first kind of research value. Nothing is to establish the finite element model of the flexible wheel, and repeat the finite element analysis of several different parameters of the flexible wheel model. In the future, the requirements of the flexible wheel is getting higher and higher, is no longer limited to its transmission efficiency of the problem, the mass ratio is a very important part. It is hoped that this paper can play a role in the future research.

Keywords : Flexible wheel Finite  element analysis Structural parameter Strength Improving


第一章绪论 3

1.1谐波齿轮的背景 3

1.2谐波齿轮传动的研究近况 3

1.3柔性齿轮的国内外研究现状 4

1.4研究的目的和意义 6

1.5研究内容 6

第二章 谐波齿轮传动原理及柔性齿轮应力校核计算 7

2.1谐波齿轮传动及原理 7

2.1.1谐波齿轮传动的基本结构及工作原理 7

2.1.2谐波齿轮传动特点 8

2.2柔性齿轮应力分析 8

2.3柔轮齿轮应力计算 10

2.4柔性齿轮疲劳强度校核 19

2.5本章小结 20

第三章 杯形柔轮轴向变形的理论分析及有限元模拟计算+CAD图纸:http://www.youerw.com/jixie/lunwen_203830.html
