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时间:2024-05-26 09:35来源:95471
工业机器人在船用螺旋桨加工设计。先利用UG9.0 软件对船用螺旋桨的毛坯进行建模,接着在 UG CAM中生成船用螺旋桨的加工刀具轨迹,然后在UG后处理构造器中构建KUKA机器人专用的后处理

摘   要:目前,船用螺旋桨主要是用多轴数控机床来加工的。本文以KUKA工业机器人作为加工设备,替代多轴数控机床,实现对船用螺旋桨的数控加工。




2.使用 UG CAM模块完成加工刀轨的生成并对其进行后处理

先利用UG9.0 软件对船用螺旋桨的毛坯进行建模,接着在 UG CAM中生成船用螺旋桨的加工刀具轨迹,然后在UG后处理构造器中构建KUKA机器人专用的后处理器,最后通过构建的后处理器来生成能让机器人识别的 NC程序。

3. 使用 VERICUT 仿真机器人多轴加工船用螺旋桨

首先在 VERICUT中,搭建机床、创建刀具库、调入控制系统、加载毛坯,然后对UG后处理过的数控程序进行模拟仿真,在仿真过程中调整加工方式,优化加工方案,直至能正确地加工出船用螺旋桨零件。


Abstract:At present, the marine propeller is mainly used multi-axis CNC machine tools to process. In this paper, KUKA industrial robots as a processing equipment, instead of multi-axis CNC machine tools, to achieve the processing of marine propellers.

This paper mainly studies the feasibility, main contents and research methods of industrial robots in marine propeller processing:

1. Selection of KUKA industrial robots For the processing objects are the large pitch marine propeller whose diameter is 4 ~ 5 meters, select the appropriate robot and install the spindle to the robot.

2. Use UG to complete the machining toolpaths and its post-processing First, the UG9.0 software is used to model the roughness of the marine propeller. Then, the machining toolpath of the marine propeller is generated in the UG processing environment, and then the special post-processor based on the KUKA robot is constructed in the UG post-processing constructor. At last post-processor generate NC machining programs which allow KUKA robots to recognize.

3. Use VERICUT to simulate robot multi-axis processing of marine propeller First, in the VERICUT environment, establish machine model, create tool library, transfer the control system, and then the existing NC program is simulated, in the simulation process to adjust the optimization process, until the correct marine propeller parts is processed.

Keywords: Industrial robot; marine propeller CNC machining; UG processing; VERICUT simulation

目    录

第一章 绪论 1

1.1  引言 1

1.2  课题研究的目的与意义 1

1.3  国内外船用螺旋桨加工现状 2

1.4 本论文研究的内容 2

第二章 机械人的选型设计 4

2.1 切削力计算及主轴选取 4

2.1.1 切削力的计算 4

2.1.2 电主轴的选取 4

2.2 KUKA机器人简介 4

2.3 机器人选型 5

2.4 本章小结 6

第三章UG螺旋桨加工刀轨的开发及后处理 8

3.1 UG NX 简述 8

3.1.1 UG 加工模块 UG+VERICUT工业机器人在船用螺旋桨加工设计+图纸:http://www.youerw.com/jixie/lunwen_203999.html
