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时间:2024-07-23 22:04来源:95969



Abstract:In order to study and enhance the effects of dynamic lubrication performance of micro texture on hip joint surface, the research was made primarily through  the  way  of combining the actual working conditions of acetabular-head, and building finite element model with different microsection characteristics by the use of GAMBIT software. After those parameters were controlled, such as the depth, the diameters, different cross-sections, and different speed of the surface texture, and the post-processing calculation was down by the use of FLUENT 4.5 software, the conclusions had been drawn and are shown as follows: (1) In the event of invariant geometric parameters ( the same working conditions), we could only consider the change of the shapes, so that the dynamic lubrication performance of the micromodelling with elliptic sections is best, and its oil film support capacity is better.(2)The simulating calculation was down to probe the radius of the texture, so that the result could be concluded that the dynamic lubrication performance on the upper surface will be better, when the radius of the texture is larger. Therefore, there is no existence of the hypothesis of the optimal value.(3)The dynamic lubrication performance on the upper surface will be better, when the lubrication moves faster.(4)The Box-Behnken experimental design was carried out to probe the depth of the texture, so that the result could be concluded that the optimal parameter combination is consistent with a 0.1-mm radius, a 0.04-mm depth and a elliptical section. And at this time, the maximum stress response value is 5098.79N.

Keywords: micro texture;Dynamic Lubrication Performance;parameter optimization


第一章绪论 1

1.1选题背景 1

1.2国内外研究现状 1

1.3动压原理、研究目的、研究内容、研究意义 4

1.3.1凹坑流体动压形成原理 4

1.3.2研究目的 5

1.3.2研究内容 5

1.3.3研究意义 6

第二章钛合金微织构表面流体动压润滑性能研究 7

2.1 单点微织构单因素设计方案 7

2.2 方法、目标参数 7

2.3 工具设置步骤、工艺参数、尺寸 7

2.4 FLUENT相关计算条件的设定 8

2.5 人工髋关节表面微造型润滑性能分析及优化设计+CAD图纸:http://www.youerw.com/jixie/lunwen_204368.html
