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时间:2024-08-03 09:49来源:96169





Abstract:In the field of the marine propeller manufacturing,composite materials, with its light quality, high specific strength, high specific stiffness, great corrosion resistance, great fatigue resistance and other advantages,has been applied gradually.Among them,the carbon fiber is one of the most typical high performance reinforced composites.In developed countries, carbon-fiber propeller placement technology has developed maturely.By contrast, in China,it is still in the primary stage in this aspect of the research.Compared with marine propellers using conventional alloys,marine propellers with carbon fibre greatly improve the surface quality,besides to enhance the mechanical properties and corrosion resistance,therefore greatly reduce the noise while running.So it has a great significance for China's national defense.

For large curvature on the surface of the marine propeller,this paper designed the carbon-fiber propeller placement machine with six-degree of freedom parallel.The structure mainly includes four parts,which are movement function module,placement function module,the propeller clamping function module and support function module.Movement function module and placement function module are the key of the design,the movement function module is based on Matlab of six axis parallel structure size design and calculation,using Solidworks motion simulate.Placement function module is respectively designed according to the pass of tow path which achieves orientation,compression,cutting,heavy to send,heating,compaction,cooling.

Control part mainly includes the motion control system and placement function control system.Motion control system with Googol GTS800 motion controller,through VC++ programming,has been developed executable G code processing instruction interactive software.Placement function control system is developed by programmable logic controller,to implement each function's swith in the process of placement.

Keywords: Composite material; Carbon fiber placement; Six axis parallel mechanism; Software development


第一章绪论 1

1.1碳纤维螺旋桨铺放设备研究背景与意义 1

1.2碳纤维螺旋桨铺放设备研究现状 2

1.2.1碳纤维螺旋桨铺放设备国外研究现状 Solidworks碳纤维螺旋桨铺放设备设计+CAD图纸:http://www.youerw.com/jixie/lunwen_204423.html
