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时间:2024-10-13 22:02来源:97946






ABSTRACT:In the 21th century, marine development has become a hot topic in the world. Deep sea manned submersible is one of the frontier and high ground of marine scientific investigation. It is important high-tech equipment for conducting international seabed resource investigation and scientific research. One of the key components, it not only to the manned submersible scientists, engineering and technical personnel to provide deep-sea operations necessary for the protection of life, but also for a variety of electronic devices, special equipment to provide a safe and reliable working environment. In this paper, the following work is carried out on the fatigue reliability of the manned submersible pressure shell structure:

1) This paper reviews the current research on the reliability of pressure shell and structural fatigue, and finds out that the pressure shells of large-scale manned submersible are mostly spherical and the fatigue resistance of the manned submersible can be determined by using the finite element method.

2) Analysis of the characteristics of the load of shell structure under manned submersible at work, determine the structure of the pressure hull structure for spherical pressure shell and spherical shell main parameters. Based on the theoretical calculation method and the finite element analysis software, Strength calculation and verification, proved that the pressure shell structure to meet the strength requirements.

3) According to the CCS submersible structure specification, the fatigue reliability analysis of the manned submersible pressure shell structure is carried out.

Based on the finite element method, the fatigue reliability of the pressure - resistant structure is calculated and analyzed. The results show that the  pressure

- resistant shell meets the design requirements. The stress-strength interference model is used to calculate the reliability of the pressure-resistant shell,finally, The fatigue reliability of the pressure resistant shell is given

Keywords: Manned submersible; Pressure resistant housing; Structural strength; Fatigue reliability


第一章绪论 1

1.1选题背景 载人潜水器耐压壳体结构疲劳可靠性分析+CAD图纸:http://www.youerw.com/jixie/lunwen_204837.html
