Hot water boiler widely used in hotels, schools, hotels, residential and other enterprises and institutions of heating, bathing and living hot water, etc
The automobile factory of the secondary design boiler is located in Shenyang City, which is used for making automobile parts
High temperature hot water boiler room is newly built, the boiler room is mainly for the paint shop process, heating and the daily life of the heating required to provide the heat.
Public power station boiler room is located within the plant. The indoor air temperature is below 40 in summer, and the indoor air temperature is not less than 5 The boiler room is equipped with WNS type power 14MW boiler 3 with a hot water. The total rated power of the boiler room is 42MW, the rated outlet pressure is 1.25MPa, the water supply return water temperature is: 130 /70, and each weight 4kg.
Boiler fuel use natural gas. Water use tap water.
The main reference of the design of the boiler room principle and equipment, a book. The main design steps for the load calculation and then the equipment selection, the air pipe system and the calculation layout of the pipe system after the equipment selection.
Through 3 14MW high temperature hot water boiler room, the design of the boiler room is to understand the contents, procedures and basic principles of the boiler room, and to study the method and the process of design calculation, and improve the operation and drawing ability At the same time, through the design and consolidate the theoretical knowledge and textbook knowledge, and learn how to use these knowledge to solve practical problems.
1 绪论 1
1.1 锅炉设计概述 1
1.2 题目来源 2
2 方案论证 3
3 设计说明 5
3.1 工程概况 5
3.2 热负荷参数 5
3.3 天然气参数 5
3.4自来水参数 6
3.5其他资料 7
3.6基本方案设定 7
3.7涉及步骤 7
3.7.1锅炉房设计前的准备工作 7
3.7.2进行锅炉负荷计算 7
3.7.3锅炉型号和台数选择 8
3.7.4水处理设备选择 8
3.7.5给水设备选择 8
3.7.6送、引风机选择 8
3.7.7绘制锅炉房设计文件 8
4 锅炉型号及台数选择 9
4.1负荷概述 9
4.2热负荷计算原理 9
4.2.1平均热负荷计算公式 9
4.2.2最大热负荷 10
4.2.3非供暖季最大热负荷 10
4.3锅炉型号和台数选择 11
5 水处理设计及给水能力选择 13
5.1 确定水处理生产设备能力 13
5.2热水系统膨胀的水量计算 13
5.3 决定水的软化方式 14
5.4决定水的软化方式 14
5.4.1补水的软化处理 14
5.4.2本项目软化水装置的选择 15
5.5除氧设备选择计算 15
5.5.1除氧方法 15
5.5.2本项目除氧器选择 16
6 给水设备的选择和主要管道管径计算 18
6.1 确定给水系统 18
6.2 主要管道和阀门的选择.18
6.2.1循环水主干管管径的确定 18
6.2.2主要阀门 19 3台14MW高温热水锅炉房工艺设计+CAD图纸(2):