工业余热锅炉设计 摘要:很多工业生产工艺中产生大量的高温烟气,直接排放不仅污染环境而且浪费大量能源。有必要根据烟气组成和温度等级开发余热利用技术,降低烟气排放温度。根据余热回收加热给水产生蒸汽的原理,是一种有效利用余热资源的方法。针对某生产工艺中的高温烟气,设计了一台余热锅炉,采用立式布置方式,锅炉蒸发器采取强制循环。省煤器对蒸发器用水进行预热,蒸发器产生饱和蒸汽,过热器产生过热蒸汽。给水经省煤器加热后送入锅筒。锅筒中的水通过下降管流入蒸发器,在这里被加热后的汽水混合物再引入锅筒中分离蒸汽和水。而后从锅筒引出饱和蒸汽进入过热器,在过热器中被加热后生成额定压力的过热蒸汽。对余热锅炉本体及换热面和系统管道进行了详细设计计算,设备进行合理布置。能够产生 450℃3.82MPa的过热蒸汽,最终排烟温度为 158℃。装置效率达到最佳,实现节能减排的目的。7094
关键词: 烟气;余热利用;热力计算;炉体设计
Design of Industrial Waste Heat Boiler
Abstract: Many industrial processes produce large amounts of high-temperature
gas, direct emissions only pollute the environment but also waste a lot of energy. It
is necessary according to the development level of the flue gas composition and
temperature waste heat utilization technology to reduce flue gas discharge
temperature. According to the heating water to produce steam heat recovery
principle is an effective use of waste heat resources. Against a high-temperature gas
production process, designed a waste heat boiler, with vertical layout, boiler forced
circulation evaporator taken. Economizer for preheating water to the evaporator, the
evaporator produces saturated steam, superheated to generate superheated steam.
Heated water into the drum through the economizer. The water drum through the
descending pipe into the evaporator, where the mixture is heated and then into the
drum soda separating steam and water. Then leads to saturated steam from the drum
into the superheater, the superheater is heated to generate rated pressure superheated
steam. For waste heat boiler and system piping heat transfer surface and a detailed
design calculations, equipment for reasonable arrangement. 450℃ 3.82MPa to
produce superheated steam, the final exhaust temperature is 158℃. Device
efficiency to achieve the best, to achieve the purpose of energy saving.
Keywords: Exhaust gas;Heat-recovering; Heating calculation; Design of furnace
body 目录
摘要 i
Abstract .. ii
目录 . iii
1 绪论 .1
1.1 高温烟气资源余热利用..1
1.2 余热利用方法2
1.2.1 直接利用2
1.2.2 间接利用3
1.2.3 综合利用3
1.3 余热利用特点3
1.3.1 热负荷具有不稳定性.3
1.3.2 烟气具有腐蚀性4
1.3.3 烟气含尘量大.4
1.3.4 受安装场所固有条件限制..4
1.4 我国烟气余热利用的现状.4
1.4.1 水泥窑烟气余热利用.4
1.4.2 冶金行业烟气余热利用5
1.4.3 其他行业烟气余热利用5
1.5 烟气余热利用的技术进展.6
1.5.1 工业炉余热利用技术.6
1.5.2 热管技术6
1.5.3 火力发电厂余热利用技术进展7
1.5.4 其他技术进展.7
1.5.5 余热锅炉技术.8
1.6 烟道式余热锅炉的优点..9
2 余热锅炉结构设计原理 10
2.1 余热锅炉整体结构..10
2.1.1 余热锅炉分类..10
2.2 余热锅炉结构设计原则 11 工业余热锅炉设计+CAD图纸:http://www.youerw.com/jixie/lunwen_4868.html