毕业论文关键词 高过载 寿命公式修正 仿真分析
Title Study on the life analysis of ball screws under high overload condition
Abstract Ball screw is more and more used in aviation, aerospace and other fields。 In the pursuit of greater power weight ratio, this kind of screw is mainly used under high overload condition,and this paper for high overload ball screw life calculation method is studied。 First, the life calculation method of ball screw used on the machine tool based on the fatigue failure is analyzed。 Secondly, considering that axial force will have a significant impact on the structure parameter of the screw pair under high overload and that the material factor and the accuracy coefficient have an influence on the dynamic load, the modified method for calculating the life of ball screw is proposed。 Third, under this kind of calculation method, the limit condition of the ball bearing is analyzed, and the use boundary of the calculation method is proposed。 Finally, a simulation system based on the modified life calculation formula is designed,and the verification and analysis of a certain type of ball screw pair is carried out。
The work of this paper is of great significance for the life calculation of high overload screw。
Keywords high overload,modified life formula,simulation analysis
目 次
1 绪论。1
2 滚珠丝杠副寿命的计算与分析。3
2。1 滚珠丝杠副寿命的计算。3
2。2 滚珠丝杠副寿命公式分析。4
3 滚珠丝杠副寿命公式修正与分析10
3。1 高过载条件下寿命公式误差较大的理论分析10
3。2 材料因素和精度因素对于额定动载荷的影响10
3。3 轴向力对结构参数的影响11
3。4 修正公式的提出20
4 滚珠极限情况失效分析22
4。1 滚珠卡死22
4。2 接触应力达到屈服极限23
5 系统实现与应用实例26
5。2 系统组成与介绍26
5。3 应用实例对修正公式进行仿真分析29
1 绪论
1。1 滚珠丝杠副的工作原理及其在机械传动中的地位
作为数控机床重要的传动部件,滚珠丝杠副是由滚珠,螺母和丝杠,反相器等组成的机械元件,利用在丝杠滚道和螺母滚道之间的滚珠作为中间传动体,借助反相器作为滚珠的返回通道,可以形成完整的闭合回路,滚珠便可以进行循环的螺旋运动,由此可以将直线运动转变为回转运动,也能将回转运动转变为直线运动。由于滚珠丝杠副在精度和效率方面具有其他传动机构无法比拟的优良性能,使滚珠丝杠副成为目前螺旋传动机构中精度最高的机构。文献综述 高过载条件下滚珠丝杠副寿命分析研究:http://www.youerw.com/jixie/lunwen_88003.html