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时间:2022-07-04 21:06来源:毕业论文



Abstract This paper is main to design a manipulator for one three-dimensional scanner which has six degrees of freedom and compact structure and be with flexibility。Determine the overall design scheme of the manipulator and the forms of the various mechanisms depending on the desired properties and structural requirements of the manipulator。 According to the working condition, the driving scheme of each joint of the manipulator should be determined, and the strength of the main parts of the manipulator is checked。The reliability of the structure of the manipulator is verified。Using 3D modeling software Solidworks to realize the solid modeling of the overall structure of the manipulators。It is clear that the overall shape of the manipulator arm and the relationship between the components of the assembly。According to the D-H method, the mathematical model of the manipulator can be established, and the forward kinematics analysis is carried out。The result of the positive kinematics equation is consistent with the position of the coordinate system。Using ADAMS to establish the virtual prototype model of the manipulator solid model introduced from Solidworks。Firstly,define the required motion pairs and drive。Secondly,set up the driving function and the simulation time and number of steps to carry out the kinematics simulation of the manipulator。The results verify the correctness of the drive function, and lay the foundation for the later trajectory optimization。The trajectory curve of the end of the manipulator is obtained。By analyzing the time variation of the displacement of the end of the manipulator, the working space of the manipulator is verified to meet the design requirements。

Keywords:manipulator; structural design;kinematics;three-dimensional modeling

目  录

第一章 绪论 1

1。1研究背景及意义 1

1。2国外研究现状 1

1。3国内研究现状 2

1。4发展趋势 2

1。5 本文研究内容 2

第二章 机械臂需求分析及总体方案设计 4

2。1 机械臂设计需求分析 4

2。1。1 需求分析 4

2。1。2 三维扫描仪的选型 4

2。2 机械臂的总体方案设计 5

2。2。1 整体结构 Solidworks六自由度三维扫描仪手臂式支架结构设计+CAD图纸:http://www.youerw.com/jixie/lunwen_95955.html
