关键词 绩效 农业 DEA C2R模型
Title Performance Evaluation of Agricultural Enterprises Based on Data Envelopment Analysis
Agriculture plays an important role in the national economy, as a result, the government pays serious attention to agricultural industry. To advance the management level and take a dominant place in the market, an enterprise must maximum its overall efficiency. Data Envelopment Analysis(DEA) is able to solve problems with more than one input or output. By studying the agricultural industry from the perspective of performance, this paper is to analyze the overall condition of the performance of agriculture industry, and provide to the managers and investors with related advice.
Based on financial data of 30 agricultural listed enterprises, this paper gives the following analysis: overall efficiency analysis, technical level efficiency analysis, scale efficiency analysis and so on. Conclusion:First, the overall efficiency of these agricultural listed enterprises is good, though there is huge differences between enterprises. Second, technical efficiency and scale efficiency are good too. Third, the reason of every invalid DEA varies, but the common issues are the inappropriate use of private capital and low level of profitability. At last, advice has been made to help with the development of Chinese agricultural industry.
Keywords Performance Evaluation agricultural industry DEA C2R
目 录
1 绪论1
1.1 研究背景及意义1
1.2 研究方法及构建1
2 文献综述3
2.1 国外的公司绩效评价理论3
2.2 国内的公司绩效评价理论4
2.3 国内的农业上市公司绩效评价相关文献5
3 DEA模型7
3.1 DEA模型概述7
3.2 DEA模型法评价步骤8
3.3 DEA模型优势9
4 DEA模型在农业上市公司绩效评价中的研究设计10
4.1 选取模型10
4.2 选取样本10
4.3 选取指标11
4.4 数据处理12
4.5 DEA模型数据处理结果分析12
5 结论与建议21
5.1 研究结论21
5.2 相关建议22
5.3 本文局限23
1 绪论
1.1 研究背景及意义。
作为一个农业大国,农业在我国的地位不言而喻,因此,我国政府对该领域的发展一直十分关注。近年来,我国出台了一系列相关文件,用于保护和促进农业公司的发展,这一举措对推进我国农业的现代化进程贡献巨大。其中,促进农业公司上市,是农业公司向先进生产力的公司组织形式进行转变,这有利于充分运用资本市场的作用,来解决资金短缺等问题[1]。截至2014年12月,根据证监会分类下农、林、牧、渔业科目,已有超过40家公司在沪深两市上市。但是,由于行业的特殊性,以及土地等资源资源的不足、创新能力的缺乏、经营规模的盲目扩大等问题,一直束缚着农业公司的发展,另外,该行业公司的披露信息质量普遍较低,且近年来出现的非农化经营问题,对农业上市公司的正常发展产生了影响,导致其经营业绩受到了负面影响[2]。 基于DEA分析法对我国农业上市公司的绩效评价研究:http://www.youerw.com/kuaiji/lunwen_19071.html