摘 要:当前经济飞速发展,房地产行业企业规模日益庞大,所需要的资金越来越多,单 靠房地产行业企业自有资金经营远远不够,目前我国经济进入新常态,市场经济风险不断 增大,然而当前很多房地产行业企业盲目乐观,大量举债,但是对负债经营中存在的风险 往往重视不够,导致房地产行业企业出现无法偿还债务的问题。本文对恒大地产公司负债 经营问题进行了分析,从财报分析角度发现恒大地产公司存在着资产负债率过高、融资渠 道单一、财务风险防控措施不足的问题,并结合该公司财务报告对负债经营风险高的原因 进行了分析,结合恒大地产公司实际情况,提出了控制负债经营风险的对策:包括积极降 低资产负债率;负债方式的灵活化,筹资途径的多元化;树立风险意识,建立有效地风险 防御制度。85817
毕业论文关 键 词: 负债经营,财务风险,恒大地产公司
Abstract: The current rapid development of economy, the real estate industry increasingly large scale enterprises, more and more money is needed, only rely on its own funds business enterprises in the real estate industry is far from enough, China's economy has entered a new norm, increasing the risk of market economy, however, many of the current real estate industry enterprises blindly optimistic, a lot of debt, but for risk the debt management often do not pay enough attention, resulting in the real estate industry enterprises appear unable to repay the debt problem。 This paper analyzes the problems of debt management Hengda Real estate company, found that Hengda Real estate company company exists high, single financing channels, financial risk prevention and control measures of the problem of insufficient asset liability ratio from earnings perspective, combined with the financial report of the company has carried on the analysis of the causes of debt management risk is high, combined with the actual situation of Hengda Real estate company。 Put forward some suggestions to control the risk of operation in debt: including the positive lower rates of assets and liabilities; flexible debt mode, financing persification; establish risk awareness, establish effective risk prevention system。
Keywords: debt management,financial risk,hengda company
目 录
1 引言 3
2 企业负债经营源Q于W优H尔J论K文M网WwW.youeRw.com 原文+QQ75201.,8766 的相关理论 3
2。1 负债经营的概念 3
2。2 负债经营的影响 3
2。3 负债经营的风险 4
3 恒大地产公司负债经营风险现状 4
3。1 恒大地产公司简介 4
3。2 恒大地产公司负债经营调研 4
3。3 恒大集团的整体偿债分析 6
4 恒大地产公司负债经营风险存在问题分析 7
4。1 资产负债率过高 7
4。2 融资渠道单一 7
4。3 财务风险防控措施不足 8
5 恒大地产公司控制负债经营风险的建议 8
5。1 积极降低资产负债率 8
5。2 负债方式的灵活化,筹资途径的多元化 9
5。3 规范财务风险评价指标 9
5。4 创新财务风险评价体制 负债经营对企业的影响及风险控制恒大地产为例:http://www.youerw.com/kuaiji/lunwen_197527.html