摘要:随着当今社会经济的不断发展,互联网这个新型行业也变得日趋成熟,电子商务因为网络硬件的更新换代和软件条件的不断进步,从而与当今市场的各个领域紧密相联。各行各业与互联网的紧密相连,不仅为产业本身的塑身、稳步、多元化的发展创造条件与机会,更推动着相关产业的前行。面对这个难得的机遇,医药电子商务如雨后春笋般涌现出现出来。当然,江苏亚邦药业集团也不会错过这个机遇,加入了这个队伍中来。江苏亚邦药业集团的主营业务是药品销售和医疗器械等相关产品的批发。通过对当代物流技术深入研究和对信息管理理论不断探索,形成了物流管理、供应链管理两大产品线,满足了医药行业各类客户差异化的信息需求。本文通过对江苏亚邦药业集团案例的研究,了解电子商务对现代医药行业产生的巨大影响。 90854
Abstract:With the continuous development of today's social economy, the Internet has become increasingly mature this new industry, e-commerce because of network hardware replacement and software conditions continue to progress, and thus closely related to the various areas of today's market。 All industries and the Internet are closely linked, not only for the industry itself body sculpting, steady, persified development to create conditions and opportunities, but also to promote the relevant industry forward。 Faced with this rare opportunity, pharmaceutical e-commerce has sprung up like a mushroom。 Of course, Jiangsu Yabang Pharmaceutical Group will not miss this opportunity to join the team to come。 Jiangsu Yabang Pharmaceutical Group's main business is pharmaceutical sales and medical equipment and other related products wholesale。 Through the in-depth study of contemporary logistics technology and the continuous exploration of information management theory, the formation of the logistics management, supply chain management of the two major product lines, to meet the pharmaceutical industry, different types of customer information needs。 This article through the case study of Jiangsu Yabang pharmaceutical group to understand the e-commerce on the modern pharmaceutical industry have a huge impact。
Key words: Pharmaceutical industry,sales of drugs,e - commerce
1引言 5
2医药电子商务理论介绍 5
2。1医药电子商务的定义 5
2。2医药电子商务商业模式理论 6
3江苏亚邦药业集团 7
3.1江苏亚邦药业集团现状 7
3.2江苏亚邦药业集团近 5 年关键财务现状 8
4江苏亚邦药业集团运营过程中的问题 9
4。1电子商务运营初期盈利困难 9
4。2物流配送问题 9
4。3缺少专业的电子商务团队 10
5启示与建议 10
5。1多赢的利润来源 10
5。2打造新的物流体系突破物流瓶颈 10
5。3提高电子商务运营的专业性 11
结 论 12
参考文献 13
致谢 14
1、引言 医药电子商务的应用江苏亚邦药业集团为例:http://www.youerw.com/kuaiji/lunwen_198199.html