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时间:2024-04-29 21:08来源:95246



Replace Business Tax With Value-added Tax Impact Analysis of The Real Estate Enterprises

Abstract:With the continuous development of the economy, real estate is also constantly market, the real estate industry in the market economy occupies an important position on  the country's tax contribution is also constantly improve. The tax issue of real estate is also a matter of national concern. Our government is also on the real estate business tax and tax related policies to effectively adjust to adapt to the changing economic situation. In 2011, the State Council approved the pilot increase pilot program, the government has also extended the pilot to the country, May 1, 2016 national implementation of a comprehensive camp by, which is an important tax cuts.In order to study the influence of the increase on the real estate industry, this paper analyzes the influence of the increase on the real estate industry. In this paper, the real estate enterprise tax system will be more perfect, but the actual situation has many objective factors. Policy as the core, with the last two years of domestic and representative real estate business financial analysis of the table to get the impact of the increase in the impact of real estate, and find out the reasons for the impact, and finally put forward a reality Meaning of the countermeasures.

Keywords:replace business tax with value-added tax; real estate; tax; tax burden


0引言 1

1营改增的特征 1

1.1营改增的背景 1

1.2营改增的目的与意义 2

1.3中外增值税变化情况 2

2营改增对房地产企业的影响分析 4

2.1营改增对房地产企业成本的影响 4

2.2营改增对房地产企业财务的影响 4

2.3营改增对房地产企业税收的影响 6

2.4营改增对房地产企业利润的影响 8

3案例分析 9

3.1案例一 10

3.2案例二 10

4营改增中房地产的对策建议 11

4.1房地产企业主动适应“营改增”的税收政策 11

4.2加强优化与完善税收筹划管理工作 11

4.3营改增落实期间加强财务管理内部控制 12

4.4重视对供货商的选择 12

4.5聚焦项目施工成本分摊减低增值税额度 12

4.6房地产企业内部营造规范会计凭证文化 营改增对房地产企业的影响分析:http://www.youerw.com/kuaiji/lunwen_203601.html
