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时间:2024-05-18 10:43来源:95412
Excel 在财务管理中的应用技术研究。由于Excel功能强大但操作简便,所以被广泛地应用于审计、统计、财务管理、会计核算、经营管理等众多领域,帮助财务管理人员在复杂多变的环境中



Research on application technology of Excel in financial management

Abstract:Excel is an important part of Microsoft Office suite software, it uses the table processing, graphics analysis, function calculation and other functions of a variety of data processing. Because Excel is powerful but easy to use, it is widely used in auditing, statistics, financial management, accounting, management and other fields, to help financial managers in complex and changeable environment to quickly and accurately analyze, and thus efficient to carry out financial management work. Based on the finishing and analysis of the previous research results, this paper introduces the meaning of Excel and financial management, the common function of Excel, and then describes the current situation and development prospect of Excel in financial management, next tells the Excel in financial management in the specific application of several(such as investment analysis and decision making, Financing analysis decisions, depreciation of fixed assets, receivable accounts and payable accounts), and finally analyzed the Excel in the financial management of the advantages and limitations.

Keywords: Excel; financial management; investment and Financing; depreciation of assets; receivable accounts and payable accounts

0引言 1

1Excel和财务管理的相关概念 2

1.1Excel的含义 2

1.2Excel的基本功能和特点 2

1.3财务管理的含义 3

1.4财务管理的理论演进 3

1.5财务管理的实践演进 4

2Excel在财务管理中的具体应用 4

2.1Excel在投资分析和决策中的应用 4

2.1.1折旧问题 5

2.1.2投资风险价值的计量 7

2.2Excel在筹资分析和决策中的应用 9

2.3Excel在固定资产管理中的应用 12

2.4Excel在财务预测中的应用 14

2.5Excel在应收账款中的应用 16

3Excel在财务管理中的优劣势分析及其改进意见 20

3.1Excel在财务管理中的优势分析 20

3.2Excel在财务管理中的局限性分析 21

3.3Excel的局限性的优化方法 22


谢 Excel在财务管理中的应用技术研究:http://www.youerw.com/kuaiji/lunwen_203885.html
