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时间:2024-09-05 23:00来源:97116




Study on the Relationship Between Board Characteristics and Corporate Performance -- Based on the GEM Market


As a listed company's highest decision-making body ,the board of directors is also the core of corporate governance on behalf of the interests of shareholders. A good board can improve and perfect a good management team in order to obtain good results and contribute to the sustained and healthy development of the company. Starting with the characteristics of the board of directors, the paper analyzes the relationship between the board of directors and the performance of the company. The paper does the empirical analysis,in order to find the influence factors of practical significance of the gem listed company performance, and then we can improve corporate performance through the perfect governance structure. Conclusion: in the GEM, the size of the board of directors is positively related to corporate performance; but the leadership structure and the proportion of independent directors are not related to corporate performance; the board of directors is positively related to the number of meetings and corporate performance. 

Keywords: The board of directors characteristics; GEM ; Corporate performance 


0 引言 1

1概念介绍 1

1.1 董事会的介绍 1

1.2 公司绩效的介绍 2

1.3 创业板的介绍 2

2 董事会特征与公司绩效分析 3

2.1 董事会规模与公司绩效关系 3

2.2 独立董事比例与公司绩效关系 4

2.3 领导权结构与公司绩效关系 4

2.4 董事会会议次数与公司绩效关系 4

3 实证研究 5

3.1 样本选取及数据来源 5

3.2 研究假设 5

3.3 研究设计 7

3.4 相关分析 8

3.5 回归分析 9

3.6 实证研究结果 10

4 研究结论与建议 11

4.1 研究结论 11

4.2 研究建议 12

致谢 14

参考文献 15


0 引言

董事会是由董事组成的上市公司最高决策机构,是公司的治理核心。董事会按照有关法律法规的制定,拥有高级管理人员人事任免权力,对公司发展战略制定和重大事项的决策与执行起到至关重要的作用。一个好的董事会可以提高、完善一个优秀的经营团队素质以取得良好的业绩,为公司的持续健康发展做出贡献。因此,对董事会特征的研究就显得颇有意义,找到合理有效的董事会治理模式,为提高公司绩效提供有实质性的帮助,也是本文的侧重点同时也是现实的需要。 董事会特征与公司绩效的关系研究基于创业板市场:http://www.youerw.com/kuaiji/lunwen_204661.html
