关键词 股权激励 公司治理 企业避税
Title Manager equity incentive and corporation tax avoidance
This paper selects the A shares in China to be the sample, and collects the corporations whose managers have equity incentives. Moreover, this paper measures samples’ tax avoidance, using regression model to prove the relationship between executive equity incentive and corporation tax avoidance. The data shows that there exists positive relation between executive equity incentive and corporation tax avoidance, and it is significant in high-incentive and non-state-owned companies, while it is not in low-incentive companies. The further research also shows that this relation is vague in state-owned business. Overall, according to corporate governance theory, the result testifies that management stock ownership actually encourages managers to have tax avoidance behavior, achieving the coordination with shareholders. This study has prominent meaning in whether executive equity incentive works on principal-agent relationship.
Keywords equity incentive; corporation governance; tax avoidance
目 次
1 绪论1
1.1 研究背景及研究意义1
1.2 国内外相关研究2
1.3 研究方法和研究内容5
2 概念界定与相关理论7
2.1 概念界定7
2.2 相关理论 8
3 理论分析与研究假设11
3.1 管理层股权激励与企业避税的关系11
3.2 不同所有制对管理层股权激励与企业避税关系的影响13
4 实证设计15
4.1 样本选取与数据来源15
4.2 变量定义15
4.3 模型设计17
5 实证结果与分析19
5.1 描述性统计和均值分析19
5.2 变量的相关性分析24
5.3 回归分析26
5.4 稳健性检验29
5.5 研究结论30
1 绪论
1.1 研究背景及研究意义
1.1.1 研究背景
股权激励计划首先是由美国辉瑞(Pfizer)公司出于为员工合理避税的目的推出的,这种股票期权相较于现金薪酬避免了在较高个人所得税率下降低对管理层的激励效果,保护了公司高层管理人员大部分薪酬。随着代理理论的发展,现代企业为解决两权分离导致的所有者与经营者的委托代理关系引发的利益冲突,开始广泛推行面向管理层及员工的股权激励计划。直到今日,美国大多数上市企业已普遍推行了经理人股票期权制度,尤其是对于高科技型和创业期公司而言,股票期权是吸收和留住人才的最好方法。自我国2005年发布《上市公司股票期权激励管理办法(试行)》以来,加上企业股权分置改革的进程,越来越多的企业,尤其是上市公司发布了长期激励计划,向管理层发放股票期权。 管理层股权激励与企业避税关系的研究:http://www.youerw.com/kuaiji/lunwen_21357.html