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时间:2020-01-01 10:31来源:毕业论文



The research on the application of financial index of listed companies

Abstract: In today's highly competitive and risky market environment, the uncertainty of business risk and income is increasing day by day, the survival and development of an enterprise depends largely on cash, and financial indicators can measure the performance and strength of the company better, under the control of cash system, the production conditions and operating costs and profitability can also be intuitive reflected by financial indicators. This paper chosen Hainan airlines as the research object, through the calculation of the financial index and the profit statement and the cash flow statement and its structure to analyze and discuss the development of Hainan airlines in 2015 and recent years so that we can get conclusions and give suggestions according to this. At the same time, the importance and practicability of the application of the financial indicator to the listed companies were proved.

Keywords: Financial Index;Du Pont Analysis;Cash Flow


绪论 1

一、理论综述 2

(一)研究背景 2

(二)财务分析的目的和意义 2

1、目的 2

2、意义 3

(三)研究的现状和发展趋势 4

1、国外研究综述 4

2、国内研究综述 5

3、发展趋势 5

二、财务指标的相关理论基础 6

(一)财务指标的内容 6

1、偿债能力指标 6

2、盈利能力指标 6

3、营运能力指标 6

4、发展能力指标 6

5、杜邦分析 7

(二)财务指标应用的局限性 7

三、以海南航空财务指标的分析为例 8

(一)财务比率分析 8

1、短期偿债能力分析 8

2、长期偿债能力分析 9

3、盈利能力分析 10

4、营运能力分析(资产质量状况) 10

5、发展能力分析 11

6、补充资料 12

(二)杜邦分析 13

(三)现金流量表分析 13

1、现金流量表对比分析 上市公司财务指标应用研究:http://www.youerw.com/kuaiji/lunwen_44359.html
