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时间:2020-06-11 20:34来源:毕业论文



[毕业论文关键词]商业银行 财务管理 问题 对策 杜邦分析体系

Problems and countermeasures of financial management theory of commercial bank

Abstract:Since the international financial and economic integration, financial institutions got very big development space, but also drive the progress of the national economy, commercial Banks as a financial institution is very important in a branch, the wider development space and opportunities, but the international commercial bank's competition is increasingly fierce, for commercial Banks in China has brought a lot of pressure. Want to strengthen our country commercial bank in the international competition strength, you first need to a set of perfect financial management system, but the current of the incomplete system still exists in many places, so the primary problem is to construct a set of accord with our country commercial bank law of development of modern financial management system. We can study the western advanced financial management concept, combined with China's national conditions, summarized a set of suitable for our country commercial bank financial management system. 

This article first understand the financial management of commercial Banks in China, and then sum up the characteristics of our country commercial bank financial management in, then expounds the existing problems in our country commercial bank financial management, studies and sums up the corresponding countermeasures of these problems, to construct a set of accord with China's national conditions of modern financial management system of commercial bank.

Keywords: commercial bank; financial management; problems; countermeasures; Du pont analysis system 

目  录





















(一)以杜邦分析体系研究商业银行的财务状况12 商业银行财务管理中的问题与对策:http://www.youerw.com/kuaiji/lunwen_54000.html
