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时间:2021-01-26 21:00来源:毕业论文

摘  要:随着经济的快速发展,市场对企业的要求越来越高,企业要想适应整个世界市场,其管理制度就必须越来越规范。在经济危机和大型企业造假、倒闭的惨痛经历中,各企业逐步认识到对企业资产有效控制及对风险的及时防范的重要性。企业内部控制是企业经营管理的重要组成部分,在现代企业管理过程当中具有非常重要的作用。我国对风险管理和内部控制的引进较晚,虽然国内已有相关规范和指引,但是,我国很多企业为了追求利益,并没有重视企业内部控制建设与风险管理。因此,研究企业内部控制与风险管理关系具有非常重要的现实意义。本文详细的阐述了内部控制与风险管理的联系,并主要分析了企业内部控制与风险管理中存在的问题,最后提出了完善企业内部控制与风险管理的措施。62698

毕业论文关 键 词:内部控制,风险管理,问题,措施

Abstract: With the rapid development of the economy, the market for business has become increasingly demanding.If companies want to adapt the world market, it must be more and more standardized management system. In the economic crisis and during the large-scale enterprise fraud and the collapse of the painful experience, companies gradually realize the importance of effective and timely control of corporate assets and protecting against the risk . Internal control is an important part of an enterprise management and has a very important role in the modern enterprise management process. Our risk management and internal controls introduced late, although the country has the relevant norms and guidelines, many enterprises, in order to pursue the interests of our country, did not pay attention to the construction of the internal control and risk management. Therefore, the study of internal control and risk management relationship has a very important .practical significance. This paper dentally describes the internal control and risk management links,and analyzes the problems of the internal control and risk management,and finally propose to improve the internal control measures.

Keywords: internal controls, risk management, problems, measures

1  引言 3

2  企业内部控制与风险管理理论概述 3

2.1  内部控制理论概述 3

2.2  风险管理理论概述 3

2.3  内部控制及风险管理的联系 4

3  案例分析-双汇集团 4

3.1  公司背景 4

3.2  双汇集团内部控制与风险管理财务分析研究 5

4  双汇集团内部控制及风险管理存在的问题 10

4.1  管理层的内部控制观念薄弱,员工参与性不强 10

4.2  内部环境不完善,审计部门形同虚设 11

4.3  风险评估不合理,源头控制弱 11

4.4  内部控制与风险管理的信息与沟通不足 11

4.5  企业缺乏有效的风险监管措施 12

5  促进企业内部控制及风险管理的措施 12

5.1  树立风险管理理念 12

5.2  改善企业内部控制的环境 12

5.3  完善企业内部控制制度 13

5.4  完善组织结构,合理配置权限 双汇集团企业内部控制与风险管理研究:http://www.youerw.com/kuaiji/lunwen_68981.html
