时间:2018-04-03 14:28 来源:毕业论文 作者:毕业论文 点击:次
摘要:随着互联⽹的不断发展,互联⽹已经从PC延伸到了⼿机端,⾃从Apple 2007年推出了第⼀代iPhone后更加推动了智能机的发展。Apple 专门为iPhone编写了专⽤的以Darwin为内核的类Unix操作系统,在iPhone OS 2.0后开发者可以iPhone编写各种应⽤。⾄今苹果的App Store已有过亿的⼿机应⽤。iPhone的有着丰富的各种应⽤,⽽⼈们所需的信息又有许多跟地理位置有关,⽽当前的许多地图服务要么功能简单,要么操作复杂⽆法满⾜⼀些⽤户的需求,因此开发⼀款界⾯友好,功能齐全的移动定位轨迹记录系统⾮常重要。 20400 本⽂在iOS平台下开发了⼀款为骑⾏者提供移动定位与轨迹记录等信息的软件,主要有9⼤功能(1)地图显⽰;(2)路线搜索;(3)定位服务;(4)轨迹绘制;(5)记录存 取;(6)设定⽬标;(7)播放⾳乐;(8)照相录像;(9)语⾳识别。 本⽂⾸先对iOS系统及应⽤的开发进⾏了深⼊的研究,熟悉了其总体框架和设计思想,了解了iOS应⽤的开发流程,深⼊的了解了iOS应⽤的框架和运⾏机制为系统的开发打下了扎实的基础。接着分析了⼿机地图对骑⾏者的需求,进⽽选择了百度地图提供的API进⾏开发,接着并对本系统进⾏了详细的分析与设计并解析了开发中可能⽤到的关键技术,最后进⾏编码实现。! 关键字:地图,路线搜索,轨迹绘制,iOS应⽤,定位服务! Designing and Applying of mobile map based on the iOS platform Abstract:With the continuous development of the Internet , the Internet has been extended from the PC to the phone side , since 2007 the Apple launched the first generation iPhone and even more impetus to the development of smart phones. Written specifically for the Apple`s iPhone is dedicated to Darwin Unix-like operating system kernel , after the iPhone OS 2.0, iPhone developers can write applications . Apple's App Store has been billions of dollars of mobile applications . iPhone has a rich variety of applications, and there are many people need information with geographical location , and many map services have simple feature, or complex operations can not meet some of the needs of users, so develop a user-friendly, full-featured mobile positioning track recording system is very important. In this paper, the iOS platform has developed a track record to provide mobile positioning and information software for the rider , there are nine major functions ( 1 ) map display ; ( 2 ) route search ; ( 3 ) location-based services ; ( 4 ) tracks draw ; ( 5 ) record access ; ( 6 ) to set goals ; ( 7 ) to play music ; ( 8 ) video camera ; ( 9 ) speech recognition. Firstly, the iOS system and the development of application are in-depth researched , and familiar with its overall framework and design ideas , to understand the iOS application development process , in-depth understanding of the framework and operational mechanism for iOS application development system has laid a solid foundation. Then analyzes the demand of mobile map rider , and then select the Baidu Maps API provides for development, and the system is then carried out a detailed analysis and design and technology development to resolve the key may be used in the final encoded achieved. Keywords: Map, route search, tracks draw, iOS application, location service ⺫录 ⺫录! 3! (责任编辑:qin) |