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摘要: 根据世界旅游理事会预测,亚太地区仍是21世纪世界旅游业最活跃的地区, 其旅游业增长速度将保持在10%以上。中韩两国同处东亚地区, 彼此相邻。韩国从90年代以来旅游业发展迅速, 旅游宣传促销策略先进, 结合本国优势大力开发特色旅游产品吸引国际旅游者, 从此韩国整体旅游形象深入人心。并且,在亚洲市场和欧美市场都有较稳固的客源。进入21世纪,中国旅游业高速发展, 中国成为亚太地区最大的客源国和世界旅游最为活跃、发展速度最快的市场。近几年来,面对未来的发展趋势, 中国既要稳定亚洲市场又要进一步开拓欧美市场。因此, 将中韩两国的旅游业发展水平和各自的优势进行比较研究, 可以对我国旅游的发展和应对国际化竞争提供很好的启示与帮助。20834
关键词: 旅游业 旅游资源开发 旅游政策 比较
A comparative analysis on the development of tourism industry in China and South Korea
Abstract: According to the World Travel and Tourism Council predicted that the Asia-pacific is still the most active area in the world tourism in 21st century, the tourism growth will remain above 10%. Both China and South Korea are in the East Asian, adjacent to each other. From 90 s, the South Korean tourism industry has developed rapidly, they developed advanced tourism promotion strategy, special tourism products to attract international tourists. Since then, the tourism image of South Korea was deeply rooted in the hearts of the world.  And, they have gained a stable customer source from Asia, Europe and the United States. Since the 21st century, China's tourism industry has developed quickly. China has become the largest tourist source countries and the most active market in the Asia-Pacific. In recent years, Facing the future development trend, China has not only to stabilize the Asian market, but also, has to further explore the European and American market. Hence, Compared the development level and advantages of tourism industry with South Korea is helpful, which for our development and international competition ability in tourism industry.
Keywords: Tourism Industry, Tourism resource development, Tourism policy, Comparison
摘要     I
Abstract    I
1绪论    1
1.1 研究背景与研究意义    1
1.1.1研究背景    1
1.1.2研究意义    1
1.2 研究目的    1
1.3 研究内容    2
2相关概念界定    2
2.1旅游需求理论    2
2.2旅游资源开发理论    3
2.2.1突出独特性的原则    3
2.2.2经济效益、社会效益和环境效益相统一的原则    4
2.2.3生态保护的原则    4
2.3旅游可持续发展发展理论    4
3中韩旅游业发展历程    5
3.1 中国旅游业的发展历程    5
3.2 韩国旅游业的发展及现状    5
3.3中韩旅游业发展优势比较    6
3.3.1中国旅游业发展优势    6
3.3.2韩国旅游业发展优势    7
4中韩旅游资源开发比较研究    8
4.1两地开发条件异同点    8
4.1.1两地开发条件相同点    8
4.1.2两地开发条件不同点    9
4.2庆州市旅游资源的开发模式    9
4.3西安市文化旅游资源的开发模式    10
4.4庆州旅游资源开发的成功经验对西安的启示    11
5中韩旅游政策比较    11
5.1 中国旅游政策内容及特点    12
5.2 韩国旅游政策内容及特点    12 (责任编辑:qin)