时间:2018-05-05 22:37 来源:毕业论文 作者:毕业论文 点击:次
近年来,区域经济一体化已然成为了世界经济发展进程的主要趋势之一,世界主要经济秩序特征呈现为区域经济一体化和经济全球化同步发展。二十世纪九十年代以来,在全球化成为主流的国际大环境下,世界各国、各地区的一体化组织应运而生。 在发达国家经济疲软的后危机时代,金砖国家逆流而上,贸易额持续增长。 2007 ~ 2011 年,金砖国家对外贸易年平均增长率均高于世界平均增长率4%, 2011 年在世界进口总额中,5 个“金砖国家”的进口额占14. 7%。占世界出口总额的16. 8%。伴随着金砖国家之间的贸易关系日益紧密,本世纪初十年,金砖国家之间的贸易额始终稳定增长。 在此背景下,本文详细了解了金砖国家经贸合作的现状,并在此基础上进行了大量的数据资料分析与总结,结合运用定量与定性分析,着重分析了金砖国家建立自由贸易区的内在要求以及可行性,除此之外,还对金砖国家建立自由贸易区提出了相关的建议。22301 通过分析本文得出,金砖国家建立自由贸易区有强劲的内在需求以及迫切的外在要求。与此同时,金砖国家目前已经具有了建立自由贸易区的切实基础,自由贸易区的建立已经具备了恰当的可行性。除此之外,恰当的路径选择对于自贸区的成功建立与运行也至关重要。 关键词 金砖国家 自由贸易区 可行性分析 贸易效应 毕业论文外文摘要 Title Feasibility Study on the Development of BRICS Countries FTA Abstract In recent years, the main feature of the world economic order is economic globalization and regional economic integration synchronous development, regional economic integration has become one of the world's economic development process in the main form. Since the twentieth century is the era of rapid development of regional economic cooperation, in order to respond to the opportunities and challenges under the new situation, the countries in the world and the establishment of a variety of regional integration organizations. Currently, a total of more than 100 around the world free trade area, more than 200 regional trade agreements, covering 98% of WTO member countries. With the BRICS countries to accelerate the development of foreign trade, a strong trade growth, even under the influence of the international financial crisis, the export trade is still rapid growth from 2007 to 2011, Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, the average annual growth rates of exports 10%, 5%, 11%, 10% and 7%, respectively, higher than the world average annual growth rate of 4%. 2011 5 "BRICS countries" 14.7 percent of total world imports accounted for imports, exports accounted for 16.8% of total world exports. At the same time, trade relations between the BRICS countries more closely. In this context, this paper intends to learn more about the status of the BRICS countries economic and trade cooperation, and on this basis a large amount of data analysis and summary, combined with the use of quantitative and qualitative analysis, from the multi-angle, multi-level explores the BRICS countries issues related to the establishment of a free trade area, analyzes the BRICS countries to establish a free trade area as well as the inherent requirements of feasibility, in addition, also on the establishment of a free trade zone BRICS countries put forward relevant proposals. Keywords BRICS FTA Feasibility Analysis Trade effects 目 次 1 绪论 1 1.1 论文的研究背景和目的 1 1.2 研究方法 1 1.2.1 文献研究方法 1 1.2.2 统计分析方法 1 1.3 难点与创新 2 2 文献综述与理论基础 3 (责任编辑:qin) |