

毕业论文 > 音乐舞蹈论文 >


Practice and exploration in universities music teaching of local operas
-- Taking Zhoukou Normal University as an example
    Abstract:The local opera bearing rich ethnic and folk culture, as an important part of China's traditional culture, local opera in the long history of continuous development update, is an exotic flower in the Chinese culture. In recent years, with the development of economy, more and more external factors restricting the pace of development of local opera, opera music and cultural heritage has been challenged, the inheritance and protection of culture of local operas have become very urgent. Since 2008, China began to implement the "opera into the classroom" initiatives, all colleges and universities have response to local opera into the classroom, the main communication with students as a local opera, inheritance and development of traditional opera of China, in constant practice has made great achievements. The move is a new trial and exploration of the development of opera. In this paper, taking Zhoukou Normal University as an example, expounds the feasibility of local opera in college music teaching.
Key words:The fusion of traditional  culture of local  opera in music  practice
目    录
摘要    1
Abstract.    1
一、地方戏曲传承处境    2
二、地方戏曲在高师音乐教学中的实践与探索    3
(一)地方戏曲进入高师音乐教学的必然性    3
(二)师范学院对地方戏曲的实践与探索    3
三、地方戏曲在高校音乐教学中的可行性对策    5
(一)开设地方戏曲专业,聘请戏曲专业演员任教    5
(二)与剧团建立教育基地    5
(三)地方戏曲的学习与音乐教学相结合    5
参考文献    8
致谢    9
中国的戏曲有着悠久的文化历史,是我国艺术文化传承的主要载体,因其独特的艺术魅力和深厚的文化底蕴,中国戏曲与印度梵剧,希腊悲、喜剧并称世界三大古老戏剧文化。中国是个幅员辽阔,民族众多的大国,根据不同地区不同民族的风土人情,形成了具有地方代表性的地方戏曲,并具有鲜明的民族特色,同时地方戏曲反映出了不同时期中国社会政治、经济、文化、人民生活等各个方面。地方戏曲作为传统文化表现形式,一直以来都是地域的大众十分喜爱的娱乐活动。然而近年来,随着与世界文化的交流,越来越多的外部因素制约着地方戏曲的发展。国家实施了一系列措施对地方戏曲进行传承和保护。为了使我国传统戏曲文化得到更好的发展,全国多所高校将地方戏曲引入课堂,对地方戏曲进入高校进行实践探索。传承发展地方戏曲是当代大学生义不容辞的责任和义务,另一方面,地方戏曲走进校园不仅可以提升学生文化素质,提升学校内涵,更可以对中国传统民族传统文化进行传承。 (责任编辑:qin)