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“Ba” Word Sentence in Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language Teaching Research
Abstract: “The Ba word sentence ” is an important sentence in modern Chinese  not only , more important and difficult in teaching Chinese as a foreign language. As a result,we have to “take” words in grammar, semantics and pragmatics plane has a clear understanding of the characteristics of these characteristics and in combination with the actual problem met in teaching research, formulate relevant counter measures , let the students in the process of learning Chinese ca follow the principle of easy to difficult, step by step after first ,teach students in combination with the actual practice ,not only to master its use in the classroom , and can truly achieve the result of suing the sentence patterns freely communication.
Keywords: “Ba” word sentence;Characteristic;Errors analysis;Teaching Chinese as a foreign language
目        录

摘  要:    1
Abstract:     1
前言    1
一、“把”字句的特点简述    2
(一)“把”字句的定义    2
(二)“把”字句的结构特点    2
二、“把”字句常见偏误及分析    3
(一)遗漏偏误    3
(二)使用不当    5
(三)错序偏误    7
(四)误代    8
(五)搭配不当    9
三、对外汉语教学中“把”字句的教学方法    10
(一)采用直观方式教学    10
(二)加强对“把”字句的本体研究    10
(三)精讲多练,加强针对性练习。    10
(四)教师指导,学生监控。    10
结语    10
参考文献    11
致谢    12
一、    “把”字句的特点简述
“把”字句顾名思义就是带有“把”字的句子,黄、廖版《现代汉语》中将“把”字句定义为:在谓语动词前头用介词“把”引出受事,对受事加以处置的一种主动句。[2] (责任编辑:qin)