

毕业论文 > 经济论文 >


Title   Analysis and Countermeasures of Agricultural Products Trade Friction Between China and Japan                      
With the degree of economic globalization, the foreign trade between China and Japan is increasingly becoming a significant role. But with the deepening development of sino-japanese trade, trade friction is also gradually increasing in agricultural trade between China and Japan. In this paper, we deliver a statement on the present situation of the trade friction    between China and Japan. The research is based on the main performance of the trade friction between two countries. According to the reason of agricultural products trade friction between China and Japan, we put forward some strategies to deal with this problem,  such as the Chinese government should strengthen the management of itself, to improve agricultural association system, and spare no efforts to develop inpidual agriculture economy, etc., as a way to solve the problem of agricultural products trade friction between China and Japan.
Keywords  trade friction  Agricultural products trade between China and Japan  Green agriculture  Agricultural industry association
1  引言    1
1.1 研究背景及意义    1
1.2 研究的主要内容    1
1.3 文献综述    1
2  国际贸易与贸易摩擦理论基础    4
2.1当代国际贸易理论    4
2.2贸易保护理论    5
3  中日农产品贸易现状及摩擦表现    7
3.1  中日农产品贸易现状    7
3.2  中日农产品贸易摩擦的主要表现    8
3.3中日农产品贸易摩擦对中国的影响    10
4  中日农产品贸易摩擦产生的原因    12
4.1中国方面的原因    12
4.2 日本方面的原因    14
5  中国应对中日农产品贸易摩擦的措施    16
5.1政府层面    16
5.2行业协会层面    18
5.3企业层面    18
总结    20
致谢    21
参考文献    22
1 引言
日本是中国对外贸易中的第三大贸易主体,中国也是日本在对外贸易当中的第一代出口国。不论是对于中国还是对于日本,中日贸易在两国的对外贸易当中占有着很大的份额。2012年,中日之间的贸易额度达到了3978亿美元,这一比重占中国对外贸易额度的十分之一还要多。然而,中日之间的贸易发展并不是一帆风顺的,在其发展的过程当中一直存在着贸易摩擦,这种摩擦在农产品贸易当中表现得尤为明显。而且已经成为了中日农产品贸易继续进行良性发展的阻碍。所以,用什么样的方法应对摩擦,用什么样的对策解决摩擦已经成为当务之急。 (责任编辑:qin)