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摘 要:柳宗元是中唐时期古文运动的领袖,他与韩愈一起领导了闻名后世的古文运动,他自身也成为唐代有名的文学家,他的《永州八记》在中国文学史上具有极为重要的地位。它作为山水散文,突破了前人单纯写景的藩篱,在叙写景物之外,还蕴含着作者的罹遭贬谪之后复杂的人生际遇与情感体验。文章寓情于景,情景交融,真正实现了“一切景语皆情语”,达到了物我合一的艺术境界。而他个性与志向的形成,遭逢巨变后的心理转变,无一不与中唐时期,叛乱平复后,百废待兴的政治环境与复杂的思想寄托有关。儒释道三家的共同作用,使柳宗元与他的《永州八记》在文学史上留下了浓墨重彩的一笔。本文立足于从柳宗元《永州八记》入手,探究儒释道精神对柳宗元立身与为文的影响。85952


Abstract: Liu Zongyuan was the leader of the classical prose movement in the middle period, and he led Han Yu with the famous classical movement of later generations,he himself became a well-known writer in the Tang Dynasty。 His "Yongzhou Ba Ji" has a very important position in the history of Chinese literature。It is a landscape prose, breaking the predecessors of the simple scenery of the fence, in the narrative scenery, but also contains the author's death after the complex life experience and emotional experience。 Article love in the King, the scene blend, the real realization of the "all King language are true language", to achieve the art of my realm of unity。And his personality and ambition of the formation of the psychological changes after the great changes, and both in the Tang Dynasty, after the rebellion, the eradication of the political environment and the complex ideological sustenance related。Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism, the role of the three, so that Liu Zongyuan and his "Yongzhou eight mind" in the history of literature left a heavy color。This article is based on Liu Zongyuan "Yongzhou eight mind" to start, to explore the spirit of Confucianism、Taoist and Buddhism on Liu Zongyuan and the impact of the text。

Key words: Liu Zongyuan; Yongzhou eight mind; Confucianism、Taoist and Buddhism spirit 

钱穆先生曾说:“中国文学的一个特征,就是常把作者本人表现在作品里。”柳宗元与他的“永州八记”就恰好体现了这一点。“永州八记”是柳宗元写于元和四年至元和七年间的八篇游记的总称。它们均写于柳宗元被贬永州期间,深刻地表现出他罹遭贬谪之后心境的几番变化,这番变化与柳宗元当时所居环境、思想状况、生活体验等都有着非常密切的联系,堪称是作者悲剧的人生体验与独特的审美倾向两相结合的产物。[2]从柳宗元心境变化的过程中,我们可以明显地感知到儒释道思想在他身上的投射,彰显出他对人与自然和谐统一精神的至高追求。源G于J优L尔V论N文M网WwW.youeRw.com 原文+QQ75201`8766


唐代是我国封建社会最鼎盛的时代,大唐盛世至今仍为人所称道。贞观之治,开元盛世,都是历史长河中精彩的落点。然而,一场安史之乱,使这个庞大帝国陷入了前所未有的危机。以此为界线,划分出了盛唐与中唐。而正是在这个帝国由盛转衰的时刻,出现一群不平凡的灵魂,他们期望恢复盛世荣光,期望将一身学识献与帝王,他们留恋盛唐时的荣光,企图辅佐明君,重建帝国的盛世,永铸百代芳名。而柳宗元就是其中不可或缺的一抹。 (责任编辑:qin)