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摘要:在她的脑海里,农村和城市仿佛就应该是对立的,鲁敏在写农村故事的时候,总是忍不住展现她作为一个女人的柔情,一旦写到都市生活,她的文笔突然就冷漠起来,毫不留情。鲁敏笔下的城市物欲横流,人们夜夜笙歌,而乡村却依然落后而“不懂情趣”。 但是身处在繁华绮丽的都市里的人们,他们只能放纵自己,戴着假面和人交往,与人周旋,反倒是生活在东坝这个“落后”镇子里的村民们还保留着人性最原始纯良的真善美。现代文明并没有升华那些生活在城市中的人的精神,反而被困在情欲与名利的大网中难以挣脱,作者对他们有丝丝悲悯,但这一丝悲悯,很快也被丑陋淹没了。然而鲁敏在将丑陋黑暗的现实世界展示给我们的同时,也不忘给我们一丝亮光,东坝的人们,不畏枯燥的生活,不畏贫困的洗礼,他们用他们的纯真朴实将日子过的有声有色,为我们展现了又一个“世外桃源”。92151

毕业论文关键字:乡土温情; 都市批判; 世外桃源; 精神世界

Abstract:In her mind, it seems to be opposite between the countryside and the city。 When writing a story of countryside life, Lu Min can not help showing her tenderness as a woman。 However, when she  writes about the country life, her writing becomes cold and relentless。 In her works, it is always described to be materialistic in the city where people party every night;while the countryside is still backward and does not understand the “fun”。 But people who are in the flourishing and beautiful city can only indulge themselves and contact with others with masks;while villagers who live in the “backward” town Dongba retain the most original and pure human nature--truth,goodness and beauty。 Modern civilization does not sublimate the spirit of those who live in the city, instead those people are trapped in the big net of passion and fame which is difficult for them to free themselves。 The author has a trace of sympathy for them, but slightest sympathy soon was flooded by ugliness。 However,Lu Min remember to give us a light when showing an ugly ,dark world of reality。 People in Dongba who are not afraid of boring life and poverty make their lives colorful and happy with their innocence and simplicity,showing us another “paradise”。来自优I尔Y论S文C网WWw.YoueRw.com 加QQ7520~18766

Key words: Local tenderness;Critique of city;land of idyllic beauty; inner world

一 、 鲁敏的乡土温情—— “东坝”系列


在《思无邪》的开头她就写着:“在我们东坝,有一个狭长的水塘,夏天变得大一些,丰满了似的,冬季就瘦一些,略有些荒凉……” [1](P89)在酷热难当的夏季,即使在屋后的树荫下感受到一丝微风,那也是热风,“大路小路上的土都一寸寸飞了起来,六月的阳光有些烫地照下来,河对面的青草绿得发黑”[2](P23)。哪怕鲁敏离家乡越来越远,时间越来越久,可这些家乡的因素在她的脑海里愈加清晰。在她的东坝故事中,她在文章的开头就坦坦荡荡地直接告诉人们,这就是写“我”的故乡的,就是“我”对故乡的追忆。作者将她浓浓的思乡之情都倾注其中,向大家分享她那美丽的故乡。 (责任编辑:qin)