

毕业论文 > 计算机论文 >


毕业论文关键字:在线定制  javascript   HTML 
Title    Design and implement network online customization system
Now with the improvement of people's living standards, travel photography, photography and other graduation become a necessary way pastime. The number of shots becomes relatively more, then the photo processing is varied. The way to make photos into albums also become persified. Therefore, the online customization slowly emerged.
This online customization is to customize their photos into a calendar album. The album is mainly used online customization system javascriptlanguage. One kind of literal JavaScript scripting language, is a dynamically typed, weakly typed, prototype-based language, built-in support types. It is called the JavaScript interpreter engine, as part of the browser, widely used client-side scripting language, was first used on HTML (an application under the Standard Generalized Markup Language) pages, HTML pages used to increase the dynamic function .
Online customization system consists of three, 1 upload: The photo you want to upload to the system treated. 2. The calendar of customization: the picture drag, zoom. 3. Print: The album will be ready to generate XOPS file for printing.
Keywords:online customization   javascript    HTML
目   次
1  引言   … 1
2   系统相关技术 3
2.1  javascript技术  3
2.2  css技术 4
2.3 DOM文档对象模型 5
2.4 jquery… 6
3  系统需求分析和总体设计 … 8
3.1  需求分析… 8
3.2  功能… 8
3.3  上传拖拽… 8
3.4  拖拽,放大缩小 10
3.4  打印… 11
3.6 旋转12
3.7  其他效果…13
4   待解决问题 15
4.1  问题详述… 15
结论  17
致谢  18
1 引言
随着计算机普遍化后,电子相册也就产生了,同时也在不断的发展。在网络上出现了许许多多的在线定制系统。在淘宝,京东上随处可见。伴随着人们生活水平的不断提高,人们越来越喜欢出去旅游,相片也自然也变得非常多,除了对象相片的管理,人们也慢慢的想对自己定制自己喜欢的相册。现在在人们自己的办公室经常可以看见自己定制的台历,家里也经常收藏自己定制的纪念册。慢慢的现在人们已经开始喜欢自己定制自己喜欢的相册,将自己的照片出现在自己的生活中。自然而然,现在的各种在线定制系统也越来越贴近于用户,贴近于顾客。慢慢的在线定制系统在网络上也越来越拥有自己的更多的用户。 (责任编辑:qin)