时间:2018-12-15 20:20 来源:毕业论文 作者:毕业论文 点击:次
摘要:21世纪以来,高技术产业成为新经济形势下各个国家发展自身经济,提升创新效率的重要阵地。技术溢出效应是发展中国家吸收国际先进科学技术的重要工具。选择研究技术溢出效应对高技术产业的影响,对于我们更加全面的认识技术溢出效应在中国高技术产业中起到的作用以及更好地发展中国高技术产业具有一定的借鉴意义。 本文的主要是通过考察我国高技术产业的现状,研究了国际贸易和外商直接投资形成的技术溢出效应对于我国高技术产业影响的理论机制,并在此基础上,结合我国高技术产业的实际情况提出相应的建议,以促进我国高技术产业的进步。31504 毕业论文关键词:技术溢出效应;中国高技术产业;外商直接投资;国际贸易 Technology spillover effects on China's high technology industry Abstract:Since the 21st century, high-tech industry has become a new economic situation, various countries develop their economy, promote the innovation efficiency important positions. Technology spillover effect is the importance of developing countries to absorb international advanced science and technology tools. Choose to study the effect of technology spillover effect on high technology industry, for our more comprehensive understanding of technology spillover effect in China play a role in high technology industry and better development of China's high technology industry has a certain reference significance. Of this article is mainly by investigating the current situation of the high technology industry in our country, studies the formation of international trade and foreign direct investment technology spillovers effects on high technology industry in our country theoretical mechanism, and on this basis, combining with the actual situation of high technology industry in our country put forward the corresponding suggestion, in order to promote the progress of high technology industry in our country. Key Words: Technology spillover effects; High technology industries; Foreign direct investment; The international trade 目 录 引言 1 1.相关概念 2 1.1技术溢出效应 2 1.2高技术产业 2 2.中国高技术产业外资外贸现状 4 2.1中国高技术产业FDI状况 4 2.1.1总量大幅增长 5 2.1.2区域分布不平衡 6 2.1.3行业分布不平衡 7 2.2中国高技术产业进出口状况 8 2.2.1对外贸易规模迅速扩大 8 2.2.2对外贸易结构不平衡 9 3.技术溢出效应对中国高技术产业影响的机理分析 12 3.1 FDI技术溢出效应对高技术产业的影响 12 3.1.1示范—模仿效应 12 3.1.2竞争效应 12 3.1.3关联效应 13 3.1.4人员流动效应 14 3.2国际贸易技术溢出效应对高技术产业的影响 16 3.2.1进口贸易对本国企业有显著的正向溢出效应 16 3.2.2出口贸易对本国企业的负面作用不明显 17 4.结论与建议 20 4.1技术溢出效应对中国高技术产业具有促进作用 20 4.2促进高技术产业利用技术溢出效应的措施 20 4.2.1加大吸引外商直接投资 21 4.2.2鼓励跨国公司在中国设立研发机构和科研中心 21 (责任编辑:qin) |