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模拟钢琴及音频播放器摘  要:社会文明的逐步进步伴随人们生活条件的改善,音乐逐渐融入大家生活中,成为不能缺少的成分。生活中的点点滴滴激发了音乐爱好者的灵感,为我们带来优美动听的旋律。从心灵发出的声音往往能在潜移默化中告诉我们最为真实的情感,也能给人们的心灵带来清新的感觉。我们都有各自喜欢的音乐类型,比如古典、民谣、摇滚等。有些歌手说,我唱歌是为了传达爱。是的,音乐不仅能唤起人们内在的声音,也能让听众从精神上感受到真挚的爱,打动人心。音乐的表现方式有很多种,乐器是其中最直观可触的。其中西洋古典键盘乐器钢琴最是大众熟知的乐器,边弹边唱,优雅、大气,被称为乐器之王。同样,业余时间听听音乐也已成为为人们放松舒压的优先选择。32644
本次毕业设计我选择设计一款基于C#语言的模拟钢琴及音频播放器,它以Visual Studio 2012的 Windows窗体程序为开发平台[1]。C#语言特点是安全、稳定、简单、优雅。它由C/C++衍生出来,不仅保留了原有语言的强大功能,而且简化了很多复杂操作方式,运行操作效率大大提高。本系统将实现模拟钢琴演奏,以及音频的打开、播放、暂停、快进、快退,更换背景[2]。
The Simulation of the Piano and Audio Player
Abstract: With the progress of social civilization and the improvement of living conditions of people's lives, the music has been gradually becoming an indispensable part of live. Bits and pieces of life has inspired music lovers, who bring us the beautiful melody. Sounds emitted from the heart can always give birth to tell us the most subtle real emotions, at the same time, bringing people's hearts to fresh feeling. We all have our favorite type of music, such as classical, folk, rock and so on. Some singers say that I sing a song to convey love. Yes, music can evoke not only the inner voice, but also allows the audience to feel spiritually sincere love, which is filmmaking too. There are many ways for music performance, of which the instrument is the most intuitive touch way. Western classical piano with keyboard musical instrument is most known to the public, played and sang, elegant atmosphere, known as the king of instruments. Similarly, using spare time listening to music has become a place for people to relax and release pressure.
The graduation project I chose to design is the simulation of piano and audio player ,which is based on the C # language and Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 Windows Forms application[1],which is the development platform. C # language features are safe, stable, simple and elegant. It is derived from the C / C ++, not only to retain the original language of the powerful functions, but also simplifies a lot of complicated operation, run the operating efficiency is improved. This system will enable simulation of piano playing, as well as audio-open, play, pause, fast forward, rewind, change the background[2].
Keywords: C#; Simulation of Piano; Audio Player;
 目  录
第1章  绪论    1
1.1开发背景    1
1.1.1 设计背景    1
1.1.2 设计意义    1
1.2 国内外研究状况和发展水平    2
1.3 设计目标    2
1.4 本文研究内容及主要贡献    2
第2章  系统结构与分析    3
2.1 可行性分析    3
2.1.1 技术可行性分析    3
2.1.2 操作可行性分析    3
2.1.3 环境可行性分析    3
2.1.4 经济可行性分析    3
2.2 系统需求分析    4
2.3 本章小结    4
第3章  相关技术简介    5 (责任编辑:qin)