时间:2019-01-26 10:41 来源:毕业论文 作者:毕业论文 点击:次
摘要CIF术语作为最重要的贸易术语之一,其使用历史已达百年之久。在国际贸易中,当买卖双方订立进出口合同时,首先要面临的问题就是选择合适的贸易术语。然而,我国的外贸企业更多的选用FOB术语而非CIF术语,其根本原因与我国的贸易现状有密切关连。中国是出口大国,在国际贸易中常扮演卖方的角色,而在CIF贸易术语下卖方需承担运输和投保的义务,所以出口商认为在CIF合同中要承担较多义务,不如FOB术语简便易行。另一方面,因为我国海洋运输事业和保险事业处于发展中,所以很多出口商不愿承担运输与投保的责任。但是,在近年的国际贸易中,越来越多的海运欺诈案,如FOB合同下的无单放货,尤其是在金融危机过后的影响下,我国出口企业更应重新审视出口风险的规避及防范,而首先就要对贸易术语的选择进行重新的思考。 本文以此为背景,采用归纳分析法、比较分析法以及实证分析法,首先归纳分析了CIF及相关贸易术语风险转移的特点,并在此基础上阐述了买卖双方可能面临的风险问题。另外,笔者根据金融危机的产生,进一步分析了金融危机对贸易风险的影响,在文章最后,笔者提出了一些对于风险防范的建议。33051 毕业论文关键词:CIF贸易术语、CIF合同、象征性交货、风险转移、风险防范 Risk Analysis and Prevention of CIF Trade Terms Abstract: CIF trade terms, whose history of the use is more than one hundred years, is one of the most important terms in international trade. If the seller and the buyer want to trade without risks successfully in this arena, the primary concern is the proper choice of trade terms. With the synchronous growth of China’s economy and foreign trade, the increasing accidents and risks in international trade have already become a major problem for China trade enterprises. Because of China’s contemporary trading context, ie. China boasts a big power in export and often play the role of seller in foreign trade contracts, most foreign-funded enterprises prefer FOB terms to CIF terms. The reason is the CIF terms means the more responsibilities the seller should take, which is less convenient than FOB terms. On the other hand, shipping and insurance industry is far from advanced in China. Thus many exporters are reluctant to bear the transportation and insurance liabilities. But more and more shipping frauds have emerged in recent years, such as cases of delivery of goods without production of bill of lading in FOB contracts. Especially under the influence of the Financial Crisis, we exporters should pay more attention to the analysis of the risk aversion. At the same time, the choice of trade terms must be re-evaluated firstly. Set in this situation, this paper analyze the CIF trade terms and the feature of passing of risk with several methods, such as method of inductive analysis, comparative analysis and empirical analysis. What’s more, on this basis, the risk, which the seller might face probably, is elaborates. In addition, based on the financial crisis, this paper analyze the influence of risk caused by financial crisis. Finally, some recommendations for risk prevention are presented. Key words:CIF trade terms, CIF contract, symbolic delivery, passing of risk, risk prevention 目 录 绪 论 1 一、CIF贸易术语概述 3 (一)《2010年国际贸易术语解释通则》对CIF的定义 3 1.卖方的交货义务 3 2.运输和保险合同 3 3.风险转移 4 4.费用的划分 4 5.交货凭证及运输单据的交付 4 (二)《1932年华沙-牛津规则》与《2010通则》对CIF术语定义的差异 5 (责任编辑:qin) |