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 The Zhuge Liang northern expedition
According to the records of the three kingdoms, Zhuge Liang had gone to the Qi Mountain for five times to achieve the "XING Fu Chinese room" feat. However, he did not success in consecutive five times, and was even repeatedly forced to retreat. Thus, later generations have discussed the successful likelihood of Northern Expedition of Zhuge Liang. The reasons for the repeated failure of Northern Expedition of Zhuge Liang and why he still adhered to the Northern Expedition should be considered from the two aspects. Firstly, whether Zhuge Liang believed that the northern expedition will be successful? Secondly, Zhuge Liang believed that if the Northern Expedition was hopeless, why the soldiers braved the risk of the struggling country and repeatedly did the northern expeditions? This article intends to participate in the discussion, firstly analyses the purpose of the Northern Expeditions, and secondly, analyses the Northern expeditions of strategy from the economic, military and political aspects, finally views the controversy and evaluation of the Northern expeditions.
Key Words: Zhuge Liang;The northern expedition;stratagem
 目  录
目录    Ⅲ
前言    1
一、诸葛亮的北伐目标    1
(一)传统观点的反驳    1
(二)北伐的根本目的    3
二、诸葛亮北伐的战略    4
(一)经济上的考虑    4
(二)军事上的考虑    4
(三)政治上的考虑    5
三、诸葛亮北伐的争议及评价    6
(一)北伐决策是否正确的争论    6
(二)评价    7
参考文献    8

一  诸葛亮的北伐目标

在诸葛亮的生涯中,北伐只是他入主中原的一个方法,不管在当时发动北伐,是出于哪一种目的和原因,都只是停留在历史上的一件事情而已。有关于北伐目标的研究观点有很多,然至今并没有给出定论。最传统的看法是诸葛亮不断北伐的目标是为了能更好防护巴蜀地区,这是一种积极性的“以攻为守”的目标。当然也有学者提出不同的观点,认为诸葛亮北伐的目标是为了开拓根据地,从而占据雍州和凉州地区。还有研究提出,诸葛亮坚持不懈的北伐是想利用战争的方式能够为巴蜀招到更多有才能的人。因为在当时的巴蜀除去赵云、关羽等大将的缺失,蜀国虽有很多领兵之人,但多数是庸官的状态,蜀国处在人才短缺的紧急状况下,发动战争倒也是争取人才的一种方式。以上看法笔者认为,对诸葛亮北伐的根本目标并没有准确的揭示,因此有必要再作分析和探讨。 (责任编辑:qin)