时间:2020-02-27 10:36 来源:毕业论文 作者:毕业论文 点击:次
摘要新时期中小企业的发展情况,与我国产业经济结构调整与发展的方式,就业与社会的稳定,以及科技的创新与转型升级息息相关。现如今,中小企业占我国企业总数的99.7%,提供城镇就业岗位超过80%。然而,随着我国市场开放程度的提高以及产业机构的调整,中小企业的继续发展越来越面临着来自内外部的压力和挑战,特别是“融资难”问题也日益成为制约中小企业发展的重要问题。45541 但是,对于从事劳动密集型产业、成长性较低的传统型中小企业来说,融资难问题是由其自身无法克服的原因造成的,难以从根本解决。相反,对于从事高科技产业、成长潜力较大的现代型中小企业,如互联网概念企业来说,造成融资难问题的原因则多是我国金融体系的不完善和新型直接融资渠道的不足。因此,本文主要就现代型企业的融资渠道进行分析。 毕业论文关键词:现代型中小企业; “融资难”; 融资渠道 Abstract In the new era,development of Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), are closely related with the way of adjusting the industrial structure and economic development, employment and social stability, as well as upgrading and transformation of innovation and technology. Today, SMEs account for 99.7% of the total number of enterprises, providing over 80% of urban jobs. However, with the improvement of the openness of our market and the adjustment of industry bodies the development of SMEs are increasingly facing challenges from internal and external pressures, in particular, the problem of "financial difficulties" are increasingly becoming a major constraint for SMEs. However, in the traditional low-growth SMEs that engage in labor-intensive industries, the problem of financing, because of its own reasons that can’t be overcome , is difficult to fundamentally solve. In contrast, for the modern large growth potential of SMEs that engage in the hi-tech industry, such as the concept of Internet business, cause of the problem of financing are mostly inadequate new direct financing channels and the imperfect financial system. Therefore, this paper mainly analyzes on the modern enterprise financing channels. Key words: modern small and medium-sized enterprises; financing difficulties; financing channels 目 录 摘 要Ⅰ AbstractⅡ 一、中小企业概述1 ㈠“中小企业”的国内外界定方法1 ㈡现代型中小企业面临的经济和金融环境2 二、企业融资渠道分析 6 ㈠ 从传统型中小企业的角度6 ㈡ 从现代型中小企业的角度7 三、中小企业融资渠道对策 13 ㈠ 传统型中小企业的融资渠道完善13 ㈡ 现代型中小企业的融资渠道完善14 四、结论和展望 16 参考文献17 致 谢18 附 录 19 我国中小企业融资渠道分析 近几年,随之经济刺激计划的淡出,通胀也如期而至,能源、原材料、劳动力、土地等成本上升使刚走出危机的中小企业群体感受到了日益逼近的压力,而“融资难”更是于目前复杂的经济态势下变成限制中型和小型企业持续发展壮大的关键问题。 一、 中小企业概述 (一)“中小企业”的国内外界定方法 历史上,各个国家和地区对中小企业的界定方法虽然不尽相同,但一般都是从“表”和“里”两方面进行规定。“表”的标准主要有企业的注册资产、资产总额、雇员人数及营业收入等,而“里”的标准主要有企业的法律组织形式、在同行业中的地位以及自身的市场定位等。 1. 国外主要发达国家的界定方法 (责任编辑:qin) |