时间:2020-03-18 22:58 来源:毕业论文 作者:毕业论文 点击:次
摘要实验教学是物理教学的重要组成部分。经过十来年课程改革之后,杭州初中物理实验教学情况到底如何?有何成就?还存在哪些问题,薄弱的环节?是受到实验教学条件的限制,还是人为执行力度的缺失?据此,本文致力于调查研究、杭州市中学物理实验教学现状,给一线教师进行实验教学提供帮助。本文采用文献调查、问卷调查及观察的方式,以杭州市余杭区中学450名师生为对象进行调查研究,得出了杭州中学物理实验教学现状。本论文共四章。第一章为引言,主要介绍论文的背景、国内外研究现状及论文研究的意义;第二章为具体的调查结果与分析;第三章为中外的实验现状对比;第四章是对上述调研的总结,即对杭州中学物理实验教学现状的总体概括,发现可喜的一面和存在的问题,并针对存在的不足提出了自己的建议。46748 Abstract Experimental teaching is an important part of physical education. After a decade of curriculum reform, how about the junior high school physics experiment teaching in Hangzhou now? With what effect? What problems and Weak link still exist, is that limited by the experimental teaching conditions,or is that lack of intensity or man executed? Accordingly, the paper is devoted to research teaching in Hangzhou Middle School physics experiment,which can really help teachers. In this paper, literature surveys, questionnaires and observation of the way, Yuhang District 450 high school teachers and students to conduct research for the object, obtained the status of junior middle school physics experiment teaching in Hangzhou Province. This paper is pided into four chapters. The first chapter is an introduction, the paper describes the background of significance, current research and thesis; The second chapter is specific findings and analysis; The third chapter is the comparison of Chinese and foreign experiment; fourth chapter is above research summary, The present situation of physics experiment teaching in Middle School of Hangzhou overall summary, found a welcome side and problems, and for the existing problems put forward their own proposals. 毕业论文关键词:高中物理 实验教学 有效性 能力培养 中外对比 Keyword: highschool physics, Experimental teaching, effectiveness, Ability training,Comparison between China and foreign countries 目 录 摘要..........3 Abstract..3 第一章 引言....7 1.1研究的背景....7 1.2对物理实验有效性的相关概念研究....7 1.2.1物理实验...7 1.2.2有效教学...8 1.2.3 中学物理实验的有效性..8 1.3 研究方法...8 第二章 高中物理实验调查与分析10 2.1 高中生对物理认识的统计与分析...10 2.2高中生在物理实验中的表现调查统计与分析13 2.3 高中生物理实验成绩调查...14 第三章 高中物理实验中外对比..16 3.1 香港地区与内地课程标准与物理实验差异...16 3.2美国中学物理实验标准与我国标准差异性研究16 3.3英国中学物理实验标准与我国标准差异性研究17 3.4日本中学物理实验标准与我国标准差异性研究17 3.5俄罗斯中学物理实验标准18 3.6德国中学物理实验标准18 第四章 如何提高中学物理的有效性..20 4.1 提高物理实验教学有效性的措施.20 4.1.1试行学生自主实验..20 4.1.2 将仿真实验引入传统实验中....20 (责任编辑:qin) |