时间:2020-05-14 19:31 来源:毕业论文 作者:毕业论文 点击:次
摘要:近年来,以旅游为主题的形式各异的明星真人秀节目引爆荧屏,受到了观众的喜爱与热议,取得了不俗的收视率。其节目本身所具有的“明星”和“旅游”两大要素,借用明星效应和满足旅游消费新诉求,构建旅游情境中的“真实”和“冲突”,成为其大行其热的原因。但明星旅游类真人秀节目尚处于初期发展阶段,数量众多的节目良莠不齐,国外拍摄地使得受众难以产生接近性,部分节目泛娱乐化现象严重,节目模式难以突破初期模仿照搬的发展瓶颈,发展状况令人堪忧。为了使得明星旅游类真人秀节目朝着良好方向发展,其节目制作应该开发国内景点,拉近与受众的距离;注重节目定位,提升节目质量,传播旅游文化;增添中国元素,传播旅游文化,进行本土改造再创新,打造属于自己版权的节目新模式。48837 毕业论文关键词:真人秀;明星旅游真人秀;《花儿与少年》 An Analysis to the Progressing Situation of the Star Show Programs Abstract: Recently, all kinds of star show programs with the topic of tourism flood into TV, which not only are popular with the audience but also bring hot discussion and obtain good audience rating. The reason of being hot is the two elements: stars and tourism, which can make up the “reality” and “conflict”in the tourism scenes by using star effect and satisfying the tourists’ new need. However, these programs are still young.So some of them are good, but some are bad. Its progressing situation is worrying, for example, it’s difficult to make the audience feel close with the filming settings in foreign countries, it’s hard to go further than imitating in the program pattern and some programs are too entertaining. To make this kind of programs grow for the better, the producers should pay much more attention to the tourism spots of our own, they should improve the quality of the programs by presenting the tourism culture and they should also create their own new program patterns. Key Words:Reality show; Tourist reality TV star; Divas hit the road Season 目 录 摘 要 1 Abstract 1 一、明星旅游类真人秀节目概述 2 (一)明星旅游类真人秀节目的概念界定 2 (二)明星旅游类真人秀节目的兴起背景 2 (三)明星旅游类真人秀节目的发展现状 3 二、明星旅游类真人秀节目的成功之处分析 4 (一)明星效应引发受众关注 4 (二)旅游类节目满足了观众的精神需求 5 (三)情境构建中的真实与冲突引发受众共鸣 5 三、明星旅游类真人秀节目的不足之处分析 7 (一)节目拍摄地与受众有距离感 7 (二)部分节目泛娱乐化现象严重 7 (三)节目模式雷同 8 四、明星旅游类真人秀节目发展策略 9 (一)开发国内景点 拉近与受众的距离 9 (二)注重节目定位 传播正能量 9 (三)增添中国元素 传播旅游文化 10 (责任编辑:qin) |