时间:2020-07-05 15:29 来源:毕业论文 作者:毕业论文 点击:次
摘要:合唱与独唱是声乐的两种基本表现形式,两者在用声方法发面有共同之处,但是,作为不同的艺术形式,合唱与独唱在众多方面又有着鲜明的差异。本文以歌曲《致祖国》为例研究合唱与独唱在训练方法上的异同,从唱法特点,气息运用,发声状态,音域音量四个方面分别进行分析,从这四个方面得到合唱与独唱存在的异同。并在《致祖国》中得到具体体现,以便于大家更清晰地了解合唱与独唱,将来更好地进行声乐学习与研究。结论:合唱与独唱同为声乐艺术的两种表现形式,在唱法特点,气息运用,发声状态,音域音量四个方面虽有所差异,但不是互相排斥的,唱好合唱与独唱是一个好的歌唱家所必备的。52014 毕业论文关键字:合唱与独唱,唱法特点,气息运用,发声状态,音域音量,相同点,不同点 Abstract: chorus and soloists are two basic forms of vocal music, both in the method of baking in common with the sound, however, as different forms of art, chorus and soloists have distinct differences in many aspects. In this paper, the song "To the Motherland" as an example study of the similarities and differences in the chorus and solo training methods, from singing characteristics, use of breath, sound condition, four areas were analyzed volume range, from four to get the chorus and soloists exist similarities and differences. And get in "To Motherland" in embodied, in order to more clearly understand everyone chorus and soloists, performed better vocal learning and research in the future. Methods: Data statistics, logical analysis, literature research method. Conclusion: The chorus and soloists for the two forms of the same vocal art in singing characteristics, use of breath, sound condition, despite the differences in the volume range in four areas, but not mutually exclusive, sung chorus and soloists is a good singer essential.
Keywords:chorusandsoloists,singingcharacteristics,use of breath,soundcondition,the volumerange,the samepointat different points 1 前言5 2 独唱与合唱在训练方法上的异同5 2.1 唱法特点的异同5 2.2 气息运用的异同5 2.3 发声状态的异同6 2.4 音域音量的异同6 3 以《致祖国》为例分析7 3.1 从合唱与独唱的相同之处分析7 3.2 从合唱与独唱的不同之处分析8 结论 10 建议 10 参考文献 11 致谢 12
致谢 在论文完成之际,首先我要特别感谢我的导师章莉,她不仅是我的论文导师,也是我大学四年的声乐老师,在这四年里她教会我很多,不仅传授了我专业知识,也教会我为人处世的方法,并且给了我很多机会展示并锻炼自己,使我一步步的进步,谢谢您。其次,我要感谢我同窗了四年的大学同学,四年里你们教会我的也很多,使我从一个被娇生惯养“公主”,慢慢学会自理自立,在自己的专业方面也给了我很多帮助,谢谢你们。最后,我要感谢我的大学,谢谢你,陪我走过人生最美好的时光,包容我的一切优点与缺点,陪我走向更好的自己,大学的这段时光是最美好的,如今,我即将毕业,走向社会,在你四年的陪伴与帮助下,我不再害怕走向社会,我相信我会做到更好,成为更优秀的自己!
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