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摘  要:李叔同先生(1880-1942)是中国近现代音乐史上起到开创性作用又极具影响力的一位伟大艺术教育家,他既是融汇中西艺术的倡导者和实践者,更是一位创建新文化运动的爱国主义者。李叔同先生在艺术教育领域为后人留下了宝贵的财富,他的音乐教育思想在当时以及对后世都产生了巨大的影响。其“先器识而后文艺”的思想是贯穿李叔同一生的文艺观念和行为准则。作为早期的中国新文化运动的启蒙者,李叔同“先器识而后艺”的音乐教育思想在当今艺术教育面临许多问题的今天,为我们解决当前音乐教育中面临的问题提供了莫大的启示。62766


Abstract:Abstract:Li Shutong(1880-1942), is widely viewed as one of the most influetial artists and art educators.He has played a pioneering role for the development of music education in modern China.He is a fusion of Chinese and Western arts advocates and practitioners,but also to create a new culture movement patriots.Li shutong the field of education in the arsts for the people of the world left a valuable asset.His thoughts on music education make a huge impact for that time and later.“Capacity and experience prior to literature and art” is Li shutong literature concept and behavior principle throughout his whole life.We gain a good deal of enlightenment from his thoughts which are very helpful to solve current problems in modern music education.

Keywords: Li shutong, Music education, Capacity and experience prior to literature and art, value

1 前言 3

2 何为“先器识而后文艺” 3

2.1 “先器识而后文艺”文艺观提出的背景 3

2.1.1 李叔同早期的思想活动 4

2.1.2 李叔同青少年时期的艺术修养 4

2.2 “先器识而后文艺”文艺观的发展历程 4

2.2.1“先器识而后文艺”文艺观的思想渊源 4

2.2.2儒家文化影响下“艺”“识”的表现 4

2.2.3南洋公学时“新学”的影响 4

2.2.4留学时期的音乐艺术活动 5

2.3“先器识而后文艺”文艺观的形成和实践 5

3 “先器识而后文艺”与现实意义的碰撞 5

3.1李叔同“先器识而后文艺”的影响 6

3.2“先器识而后文艺”对当代教育的启示 6

3.3当代音乐教育的探索 6

结  语 8

参考文献 9

致  谢 10

 1  前言


2  何为“先器识而后文艺” (责任编辑:qin)